Things to get for your little!

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Another super cool post that I saw a tumblr for what to get your little: (I can't find the blog at this time)

* Stickers
* Coloring books and crayons
* Craft supplies (glitter, beads, yarn, etc.)
* Story books
* Nail polish
* Lip gloss
* Cutesy bracelets
* Collars
* Animal ears
* Tiaras
* Hair bows
* Cute underwear
* Socks or tights
* Tutus
* Overalls
* Onesies
* Pajamas
* Blankies and pillows
* Stuffies
* Candy
* Donuts
* Ice cream
* Popsicles
* Cookies
* Bubblegum
* Cookie cutters and cookie dough mix
* Toy cars
* Legos
* Toy animals
* Dolls/action figures
* Puzzles
* Board games
* Easy bake oven
* Play doh
* Pacis
* Bibs
* Bottles/sippy cups
* Cute silverware
* Little meals (mac and cheese, dino nuggets, alphabet soup)
* Bubble bath and bath toys
* Bath bombs
* Scrapbooks/journals
* Letters
* DVDs
* Flowers
* Mix tapes
- Nellie 💕✨🍼

Nellie's Guide to Being Little: Vol. 1 Where stories live. Discover now