Papa Scribs' Advice For The Grumps

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Of course this comes from sciencescribbler on Tumblr because he is my go to for everything. Also I have the grumps right now and I'm gonna try these. Enjoy cuties!

- Nellie💕✨🍼

Papa Scribs' Advice For The Grumps
What do you do when the grumps arise? For some people, they're common, minor, and mere irritation. For others? Debilitating waves of depression. I can't promise to fix that, and I can't even jokingly say I have the solution...but?
Papa Scribs has advice. And for some people, it works, so HERE GOES, little ones:
Get your stuffies, surrounding you completely, so you can talk with them. They're REALLY good listeners. Every time you think they're gonna interrupt? nope, more listening. They're AWESOME at it.
Cuddles: Lots and lots of cuddles. They have a sort of magical power, a crazy ability to help you feel better and be more comfy and just...ugh, yes. CUDDLES. Maximize your daily cuddles, and see a change in mood, I'm pretty much positive!
Snackies! Healthy is better, and not overdoing it is good..but I won't deny occasionally having a cookie or some of your favorite sweets and treats can bring about a smile when everything else makes you wanna frown!
Find something GOOD to watch! When you feel down, it's easy to wanna watch something heavy and dark and dramatic. Often it 'fits' your mood, but as much as that catharsis can feel rewarding, it is often hurting! Try something relaxing, simple, fun, positive. Comedy is not empty of meaning, it's just empty of stress. Enjoy it! And little shows? They're full of healthy, positive, energy-giving magic, I am sure you probably know that. So watch them. Let yourself enjoy!
Art! Whether it's painting, drawing, writing, music, sculpture, whatever it is, art helps. It can be as a big or a can be a reading of 'Desiderata' to make your heart ache and your soul sing, or it can be Dr. Seuss to make you giggle and smile. Don't JUDGE your enjoyment, just enjoy it!
Talk to someone important to you, who cares. A caregiver, another little friend, a close companion, a therapist...these people want to listen. Even when busy, and struggling to find time, that's not them not caring...that's them just being busy. They still love you.
ACCEPT YOUR FEELINGS. Why feel GUILTY about feeling bad? Isn't that...just unfair? You feel bad, so you feel BAD about feeling bad? That's...that's not very logical, people. Sorry to say it, that's cuckoo pants.
AND WHATEVER WORKS FOR YOU! Stop worrying that something isn't typical for others. If you need diapees and regression to feel good, let yourself enjoy it. If you need spankings, and BDSM? GREAT! Masturbation? Fine! Long naps, hot showers, dirty stories, whatever it is, as long as it isn't hurting you (the majority of drugs, danger, self harm, those I don't condone) then ENJOY it. If it doesn't hurt you or those around you, then you ought to accept yourself. You owe yourself that much. And you'll see that in time, it really does help you smile and get a bounce in your step, even if it helps only a little...
And THAT, little friends, is Papa Scribs' advice. Take it or leave it, enjoy it or loathe it, whatever the case may be. Still, thank you for taking the time to read, thank you for caring for yourself, and remember that even on your worst days, you are worthy of love, affection, compassion, and joy.

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