The "Are You a Little" Test

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If you wanna test if you are a little because you're kinda unsure, this cute test from sciencescribbler is the thing for you! Enjoy cuties!!

- Nellie💕✨🍼

The "Are You a Little" Test
Answer honestly, and please don't use a number 2 pencil...writing with a pencil on a phone or computer screen seems like a good way to ruin it. But hey, I'm not your boss, I guess you do what you want.
Anyhow: For each answer, a 'yes' is worth 1, a 'no' is worth 0. An 'I don't know' is worth something somewhere between 0 and 1, but I don't know how much, because, well, it's contingent on context, and I can't read your mind. So...for those, maybe like give yourself ½ a point?
1) Do you enjoy playing with stuffed animals? Like...a lot, I'm not talking a little, I mean, are you attached to them, sleep better with them, etc.
2) Do you find yourself sometimes in a mentally regressive, or 'little' state of being? Usually this involves a fairly unconscious transition into the state instead of a conscious choice, but some littles are quite in control of it, so don't assume you don't count just because you can choose it to occur on your own.
3) Are you HIGHLY entertained by Disney films, or films in the same general area of age-appropriate silliness? Do you find them SUPER fun and exciting? Do you LOVE them? Do you know the words to disney songs? If you answered yes to any single part of this question, you get a point, even if you didn't answer yes to all.
4) Do you find personal joy in cuddling, or being treated as little, or a little bit like you're being taken care of?
5) Do you have a tumblr that includes actively searching out stuff related to CG/L, DDLG, DDLB, MDLG, MDLB, or ABDL materials?
6) Do you FEEL like a little? (If you answer yes to this one, give yourself 5 points, not just 1)
7) Do you find yourself forgetting 'big person'/ adult responsibilities when you get excited, and especially in the aforementioned littlespace?
8) Do you fervently believe that you are downright adorable in a way that deserves mommy/daddy/Your-caregiver's attention?
9) Do you feel like your youthful and more naive or innocent outlook is a core piece of a personality you have inside, and is important to you?
10) Do you really, REALLY believe this kind of silly quiz would ever be able to define you, when you're a complex, real, developed person? (If you say yes...uh, I dunno, I guess you don't lose points, but if you say no here, you still add 1 point).
I don't know, maybe, maybe not? I don't decide who's little. But you don't show a LOT of super common characteristics, which is worth seeing in yourself!
You seem pretty little...which I expect you know already, and enjoy. Congrats! Keep kicking butt!
Yeah, you're friggin' little! You know it, I know it, the stuffies know it, the imaginary friend you seriously consider inventing for yourself knows it, and I expect you're pretty happy about that! AND YOU SHOULD BE! CONGRATS!

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