"Caring for your long distant little"

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Yet again I found another amazing Tumblr post, this one on long distant relationships with littles from daddyslittleprincettezelda. Enjoy!:

"Caring for your Long Distant Little
This can be a difficult task, if your a 45 minute drive our, across countries, a few thousand miles apart... It hard. Anyone who tells you otherwise is ACTUALLY lying to you, because it is. Not that its any easier for your little, but you as a caregiver are responsible for your little... Here's some help
Get a routine, it helps you both.
Mornings try to call, or text
Not awake when they get up? Try a scheduled text message!
Check in to make sure they ate breakfast at a reasonable time
Do they have school, work, an appointment?
Try to keep track and help them out during the day.
Check in for lunch and water
Other responsibility, chores, homework?
Night times are the hardest (in my opinion)
Try to Skype or at least call as much as possible
Make sure they, drank water and ate
Maybe have them drink more or have a snack
Use the restroom
Brush teeth
Pick out a stuffy
Maybe read a story or sing?
Track meals and water if you can
Have them send photos of their meals
Track water with colorful bracelets or hair ties, maybe an app
Bed time
"Home work"
Something easy to make your little feel good
Remember your job as a CG is to help your little be the best they can, challenge their little side, their big side if they let you.
Home/Life obligations
This can be family, jobs, school work, etc.
Personal Hygiene
Caring for a little long distance is hard
Lots of times I insist I don't need to brush my teeth or shower
Make sure they do, it is important
Personal Health
Try having them walk or do some fun little exercise
Communicate problems
Tell your little that they aren't a bother, annoying, or stupid
Tell them how you want to know when they aren't feel well
Fun way I saw have them tell you (Maybe even via photo) if its a bad feeling in their head, stomach or heart. Head being mental, heart emotional, and stomach physical so you know how to properly care for them
Ask for candy, soda, or other sweets
Inform (At the very least) when you go out.
They are little not a child, but being honest, when they don't respond because they are out with friends, you will worry
Later bed time
X amount of sweets
Extra free time
Less CG assigned homework
Think about allowing an amazon allowance
Care boxes, with extra treats
Chore monster users (Motherboard for CGs)
Free-bee chores so they can win monsters
This may seem trivial, but on FB messenger, and now IOS10??? Send balloons, literally daddy does it to me all day and I get so exited that I loose it.
Send virtual flowers, hugs, kisses, or even candy arrangements
Write them a love letter
Send long paragraphs to them
Have them do something they like
Bubble bath?
Walk around
Take photos?
Get out of punishment free card
Read them their favorite story
Sing a song
Time out
Done over Skype, but only over calls you know will be a while
Give them x amount of time, then with their camera on have them sit.
Early bed time
Be sure to get notifications from all their social media sent to your phone to see if they went to bed or not
No sweets for x amount of days
Revoke paci time or stuffies
Note only to be done when prior communication is had regarding this and its okay
A lot of little's use those are comfort and coping items, do not take those away.
Extra homework or chores
Done live over skype
Or video proof sent
Things to think about
Having a Baby Sitter
Same concept of a real baby sitter, this would be someone who Platonicly cares for your little, there is no sexual or romantic relationship unless discussed prior to by ALL parties involved. Who lives near by your little
Never ignore your little as a punishment
Think of how much time you have now
Tell them when you will be busy all day
Still expect a lot of texts
Selfies to your little make the day easier to get though
Purchase tickets when you can
So you can start a countdown!
Treat your little their real age sometimes to
Listen to them
Be honest and open as well"

- Nellie 💕✨🍼

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