things you can buy littles for presents =^_^=

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This post comes from landofthelittles on Tumblr! You can show these to your caregiver if you want to, or even keep them in mind for a little that you're friends with. Enjoy!!

- Nellie💕✨🍼

things you can buy littles for presents =^_^=
• stickers!
• cute underwear
• yummy cereal
• story books with lots of pictures
• colouring books an crayons
• big clothes to play dress up in
• dvds and videos! playschool, little bear
• cute socks
• adorable candy and sweets
• donuts and cakes
• craft supplies! like glitter, paper and ribbons ^_^
• age appropriate toys
• stuffies!
• bath bombs and yummy soaps
• play doh, cooking utensils, eze bake oven set ^_^
• cookies!!!!!!!!!
• puzzles and other stimulating toys
• cute bedding, pajama's and pillows
• games! board games, cards, electronic
• paci's, bibs and onesies =^_^=
• dollies and action figures
• plants
• tutu's, overalls and other cute clothes
• cute mix tapes
• glow stickers, glitter and sparklers
• candy bracelets ^_^
• fairy bread
• a scrapbook for a little journal
• a chest to keep their little things in
• a blankie
• toy cars and dinosaurs =^_^=!!
• sea monkeys
• building blocks and Lego
• bows for their hair
• cute dinner ware
• stationary
• little back packs and lunch boxes ^_^
• a trip to the movies/zoo/aquarium
• lots of cuddles and kisses
• hand written letters
• treasure hunts
• special little meals (alphabet sketti ^_^)
• bubble bath lotions and bath toys
• bottles and sippy cups

Nellie's Guide to Being Little: Vol. 1 Where stories live. Discover now