"Ways to make an age regressor happy"

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This lovely post comes from none other than ethereal-fairy-princess on Tumblr of course. Enjoy!
- Nellie💕✨🍼

Ways to make an age regressor happy

"- Reward them for doing a good job even if it doesn't seem like that big of a deal
- Fix a bottle/sippycup/etc. of their favorite drink without them asking
- Give them tummy rubs (this can be good as a relax thing but also helps with menstrual cramps!)
- If you're long distance, text them "Good morning, my little [insert nickname here]" to let them know they were the first thing on your mind
- Surprise them with a new stuffie for their collection
- Or stickers!! stickers are good too
- give them forehead kissies
- Ask them about important health things like "have you brushed your teeth?" or "How much water have you drank today?"
- Play their favorite game with them
- initiate a cuddle session :3
-Play with their hair or brush it (it's good for bed time routines cause it can be really relaxing!)
- buy them a small treat like ice cream or hot cocoa depending on the season
- Always tell them you love them!!"

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