🎉🎪🎡Playtime Guide 🎡🎪🎉🎈

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I just wanna say....how guys. This was a 10K yesterday and it now at 11K!!! You're all blowing my minds omg!!! Thank you!! You cuties are the best!

Sooo, this new chapter comes from jennibellarella on Tumblr. Please enjoy you sweet cutie pies!

- Nellie💕✨🍼

🎈🎉🎪🎡Playtime Guide 🎡🎪🎉🎈
A Little's playtime is very important for happiness! 🌞 This guide is meant to help Littles play in any setting. Tea Parties, Super Heros, Stuffie Hospital General,🏩 Stuffie School, 🎪Carnival Games, Dramatic Theatre Camp, Dance or Music 🎬 Recitals, Dinosaur Excavation, Camping in the Spooky Woods, Exploring a Jungle,🌳 Magic Carpet Rides, Talent Shows, Princess and her Kingdom,🍦 Iron Chef Stuffie... etc.
🏡 - A safe, clean space for the activity! Playtime can get unorganized. So clean up your area before and after 👐 you play!
🎈 - Decorate your play space! Creating the atmosphere 🏰🌳helps your adult imagination take hold.
🎨 - Create and/or gather  any additional things you will need for the play time! Print off programs🎬 for a dance recital. Make maps to find Dinosaur bones. Make a Teacher's grade book 📒for Stuffie School.
👒 - Dress up for this special event! Dressing yourself 🎩👗will help you get into the whimsical headspace.
🐻 - Invite your stuffies to play with you! Be a host to your stuffies and make them comfortable. 🐵🐸 Or give your stuffies important tasks. (i.e. keeper of the teapot.)
🎶 - Music is a very important part of playtime! The right music for the right setting helps your 🌈 imagination to keep generating play!

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