Ways to Be Little...Ninja-style

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This cute post is also made by sciencescribbler on Tumblr. He seriously is so good with advice but since he's nsfw I don't recommend going on his blog if you're no okay with they've stuff. Otherwise, Enjoy!

- Nellie💕✨🍼

Ways to Be Little...Ninja-style
Being discreet is important when dealing with the public sphere and kink, and no matter how exciting people in a given community might find it to feel exposed, and visible (There are entire sub-sections of groups focused on public humiliation and exposure), that doesn't mean it's acceptable. Remember: The public didn't consent, they have not agreed to be part of your kink, and even if you find it exciting...it's not fair, respectful, or in some cases even LEGAL to put yourself out there in public. But there ARE ways to be ninja-style discreet, hidden, and secretly little and in CG/L mode in public.
Here below are just a few...but I'm SURE you guys out there know more!
Hidden paci (Pocket, backpack, purse, tucked in a shirt even! It's pretty adorable to take a little out and have them secretly caring their paci, just in case they really really need it, or find somewhere to use it that nobody will mind...)
Onesies: No, I'm serious! Many look like polo shirts, or work as normal undershirts. That doesn't mean that YOU or your partner don't know it's actually a onesie...this is even more true if one of you is diapered/padded, which I know a lot of people in this scene or the ABDL world enjoy!
Speaking of...Diapers! Aka dips, 'going padded', 'babypants', etc. Just make sure you don't leak or get too stinky if you can avoid it! Maybe you need a caregiver to carry a backpack with changing supplies, to be used in a private bathroom...hmmm, I expect some of you DO need that!
*Note from above...diaper checks, a lingering smell of baby powder...a lot of littles will melt in a heartbeat!
Stuffies aren't all giant, you know! And small ones, or ones just the right size to keep in your very adult-looking briefcase, backpack, purse, and in the car can help you feel comforted, happy, and loved! Plus, I don't know of a much quicker way to make a little melt as a caregiver than to hand them a stuffie when you go for a car ride. INSTANT littleness!
"Hold my hand, baby, when you cross the street!" Nobody assumes kink, but knowing it involves a fetish, scene, or dynamic for you might make even something as simple as crossing the street a brief burst of reinforced littleness for a couple!
Socially acceptable littleness...by which I mean, well, Disney movies as a couple might make SOME people feel a little silly, but a daddy and baby, or mommy and baby...they know it's perfect for them. Who cares if they look a little old for the Disney movie? It's one of those awesome socially-accepted little things we all get to enjoy!
The same goes for a lot of things...fairs, carnivals, theme parks, zoos, aquariums, picnics...you'd be amazed at the things a cg/l couple can do together, or even a single little might LOVE to enjoy. It might not be what everyone does, but what's wrong with taking yourself to the zoo as a little, to see ELEPHANTS??! Nobody doesn't like elephants!
What else comes to mind? There's a lot of fun, but still polite/discreet ways to enjoy, so don't feel you're stuck hiding! Embrace who you are, just so long as you do so in a respectful, appropriate way! Nobody ELSE needs to know that the big adult person is REALLY carrying a stuffie in their backpack, a paci clipped inside their jacket, with diapers on under a onesie! ALL under a very professional looking suit, I might add. ;)
Add your ideas, and share how YOU get to enjoy CG/L or ABDL fun out of the house!

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