"Tips for Caringhearts! Or any caretaker of an age regressor"

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I found another awesome posts! This one is from littlebunnyann on Tumblr! Enjoy lovelies!

Ps. 1K guys!! Thank you so much! You're all the best!!❤️ Also how was everyone's holiday??

"Tips for Caringhearts! Or any caretaker of an age regressor
If you're new to this whole "taking care of an age regressor" thing, you might be a little confused as to what to expect! Here's a little guide of helpful suggestions I could come up with based on general age groups!
• very cuddly
• needs lots of naps
• might use diapers
• be gentle and soft with them please
• likes chewing on things
• feed them
• hold them
• may be very babbly or completely nonverbal
• might be calm or fussy
• pacis, bottles, teethers
• stuffies and blankies should be soft
• lullabies
• soft carpet or mats for crawlers
• not too loud or too bright please
• might be mischievous
• giggly
• cute clothes are necessary
• pacis and Sippy cups
• all the stuffies
• cute plates and eating utensils
• nap time might be harder to enforce
• makes messes if you don't watch them
• lots of crayons
• cut up their food for them
• buckle their seat belt
• everything is a game
• Disney everything
• tickle fights
• brush their hair
• bubbles!
• tea parties
• there's monsters in the closet
• piggy back rides
• imitates caregiver
• "I am a big kid!"
• needs help/reminding for brushing teeth, going to the bathroom, washing hands, etc.
• less baby talk, but uses simple sentences, may make small grammar or pronunciation mistakes
• they shouldn't touch the sharp things!
• or hot things
• they will probably want to touch the hot things and the sharp things
• more autonomous and can help you take care of them
• help pick out clothes
• tie shoes
• lots of questions "what's that?" "Who's that" "why?"
• watch lots of cartoons
• the character shaped food is always better
• thinks they can do everything by themselves but they still need help
• night lights
• play pretend
• wants to learn
• take fun trips to pool, park, zoo, etc.
• sings lots
• arts and crafts
• read with them
• chores
• hold hands to cross the street
• speech easy to understand but may be random and excitable, unrelated to what you were saying
• character t-shirts
• cute hair accessories, bracelets, etc.
• pillow forts
• wants to be more independent
• board games and card games
• video games and movies
• still needs bedtimes and curfews
• help cook meals
• give them little assignments
• needs to know you're proud and you love them
• climbs trees
• can have more big kid conversations
• hang out and play with them
• write cute notes and stick in their lunch boxes
• help them make hard decisions but allow them some freedom
• might need to limit time with electronics
• sports and team games
• comic books/ magazines
Remember, this is just a list of suggestions. Every regressor is different, and you'll have to get to know them personally. They may have qualities from each of these sections! If you're ever unsure as to what your kiddo needs or wants from you as their carer, the best thing to do is to ask them! They may be unsure of what they want themselves. It can take time and experimenting, but together you can find what works for the both of you together."


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