Chapter 30 - Not as I seem

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??? POV

I was talking to Kylie on Skype. "Hey, kid." She said. "Hey." I said. "How are you and Ryan?" "Awesome." she said. "What happened to Maddie?" "I couldn't." I said. "I felt like I had to put this relationship on hold because of what I am." She seemed to read my mind. "Dude." she said. "Did you know that Maddie is just like you?"

"You mean she is a werewolf?" I asked. "Um duh." Kylie said. "I could read her mind. I knew she was a werewolf." "What clan?" I asked. "Singing." she said. "Of course." I said. "Her clan is rare." she added. "Four left." "Well, I am the last one in the Dyan clan and I have to watch my back for vampires hunting me down."

"Well, you're my friend and I will never hunt you down for that." she said. "I need to keep a mirror backed with freaking silver to hide myself." I said. "It's bad enough I would be caught easily." "Well, I got to go." she said. "I'll see if Maddie is back from singing in Boston. I will see if I can talk to her." "Ok." I said. "Talk to you later." I hung up.

I walked around my apartment and I saw a mirror acting up. "huh." I said. "That only happens when a wolf in my alliance needs help." I looked into it and saw a brief vision of Maddie passing out.

Next Thing I knew, I was running at top speed. I didn't know where I was until I stopped. I was in Boston. There was a building full of noise. My ears perked up towards voices. First I heard. "Make sure she comes to her senses." I followed the voices to a closet.

Then I heard Maddie's voice. "Someone's coming." She said. "Quick change back into your human form." I changed back into my human form and turned the knob on the door. I slowly walked in. "Maddie?" I asked. "Zach." Maddie replied surprised.



Madeline's POV

I got up. I looked at Zach's freckled face. He still had that black hair sleeked and pushed to the left, and his emerald green eyes reflected off of the light. "How did you get here?" I asked. "I have my ways." Zach said. I laughed. "Okay, I was driven." He said. We all laughed. "Guys, meet Zach." I said. "We are in Musicianship together in school. You still going with me in the talent show next year?"

"Yeah." He said. "But I thought you won." "Katie Johnson won last year." I said. "I wanna sing the song I wrote." "Perfect idea." He said. "So, what seems to be the problem?" "It's complicated." Madi said.

"How complicated?" He asked. "I think I could handle it." "Zach, will you come with me?" I asked. He nodded as I took him towards the back of the building.


Jason's POV

I decided to follow them. There was something off about this Devon kid. I think he would be what I am looking for. Singing wolves I don't care about, but the main problem is that I think he is the last Dyan wolf in his clan. He is able to speak to his alliance members through mirrors. I bet they are of the same wolf alliance.

I found them and decided to listen to the conversation. "Okay, there is something I need to tell you." Zach said. "Okay, you can tell me anything." Madeline said. She touched his arm. Next thing I knew, he transformed into a wolf hybrid form.

On instinct, Madeline transformed into her hybrid form. The difference was that both of their ears had grey fur, but Zach's had one silver streak in the fur. Madeline had yellow eyes with black veins, but Zach had golden eyes.

"I just want to warn you," Zach said. "About this weekend. You may be the few left of your clan, but I am the last in my clan. I'm part of the Dyan clan and I feel that there is someone out to get me." "Wait, that's why." Madeline said.

He nodded. I then looked around the corner as I saw them freaking kiss. I couldn't take it. However, I was the one hunting him. And I found the last Dyan wolf.

I waited until Madeline walked out of his view. "hey." I said. "Can we talk?" She nodded.  "Alright." I said. "Because of what's going on, I think we should break up. I don't want us to be the target." "Suits me." Madeline said. She walked away and grabbed onto Zach's arm.

I couldn't take it. I knew I was jealous. I dialed Annabelle's number. "What do you want?" She yelled. "I'm your cousin and I would never leave family behind, right?" I said.  "What do you have now?" She asked. "Well, I broke up with her and she seems fine with it." I said. "She didn't seem to care since she found her previous boyfriend which I can tell they're back together. I have her trust and you won't believe what I heard." "What?" She asked. "We found our last Dyan wolf." I said. "So when we are done with her, then we will erase the Dyan clan once and for all as well as the singing clan." Annabelle replied. "I'm glad I could trust you, Jason."

I hung up and I saw someone quickly turn around the corner away from me. I followed that person back to the closet where the rest were. There was Madeline cuddling with Zach. I scowled but tried to go along with them. "Everyone is going home." I said. "I'll teleport home and I'll meet you girls at the game." I snapped my fingers and my vision went black. I'm not as I seem. Watch out Kilpeck. Watch out Treble. And watch out Mr. Andrews.

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