9- The Girl Goes Swimming

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"This is what I'm talking about," Sutton says with a wide grin as we stand at the edge of the cliff that looks over the lake. There's a wide path to our left that leads down to where there's a beach area off to the side. It's really nice out today, probably one of the last warm weekends we have before autumn takes over, so it's really surprising that nobody else is here.

Behind Sutton and I, the rest of our friends join us as they arrive in their own cars. There were so many of us coming today that we had to take separate cars to all get here. There's me, Sutton, Tristan, Carmen, Tess, Dawson, Megan, Lynn, Vic (Megan's brother), Garrett (Vic's roommate), John and RJ are there, who are guys that we're all friends with and Amy, John's girlfriend. The thirteen of us fit into three cars to make it here which really isn't that bad.

"Last one there is DD!" Carmen shouts excitedly which causes everybody to drop what they're carrying including beach bags, towels, and coolers, as we all start running down the path to get to the beach. We are all still wearing our clothes so it's actually really comical to watch everyone simultaneously running and trying to take off their clothes.

Poor Sutton is wearing wedge heels and has to hobble down the path, rendering herself last place

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Poor Sutton is wearing wedge heels and has to hobble down the path, rendering herself last place. I didn't wear a shirt, I'm just wearing my bikini top and then a maxi skirt which is easy to slip right off so after abandoning my sandals, hat, and skirt, I'm pretty much one of the first people jumping into the water.

 I didn't wear a shirt, I'm just wearing my bikini top and then a maxi skirt which is easy to slip right off so after abandoning my sandals, hat, and skirt, I'm pretty much one of the first people jumping into the water

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I watch in amusement as everyone leaves their clothes in crazy piles on the shore before they're all splashing into the water. Three cars means three designated drivers and the last three in the water are Sutton, Tess, and Dawson. I smile, knowing that the only reason Tess and Dawson were last was because they took their time getting down here. They were too busy talking to really care about the race. Sutton, on the other hand, is pouting because she'll have to stay sober even though we brought coolers full of beer with us.

"Aren't you afraid of the snakes in here?" Tristan approaches me as he's sitting on the lake bottom, leaving the water lapping around his bare chest. I'm standing up right beside him and the water comes up to just about my hips.

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