32- The Girl is Angry

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Thanksgiving break was a good time. Spending time with my family and letting them get to know my boyfriend, I'm not entirely ready to jump back into classes but Monday still comes and I have to go to my classes and go back to the real world. Between my classes, I stop by Devon's robotics lab because he told me that he'd be there and I think that we need to talk.

He's been texting me a lot lately, ever since we had lunch together, and I don't think that it's good for either one of us. I mean, I've known that it isn't good but I've let it happen because I do miss him. Not romantically but he was just a really good friend to me before our relationship went to shit. I haven't texted him as much so he has to know that I'm not completely interested in restarting our friendship but he's persistent.

Especially after the holiday that I had with Jonah, I'm sure now that I need to cut Devon off. We had our relationship and it was a really good relationship but it's not making anything easier by trying to reignite a burned-out flame. I will stop missing his friendship and I'll move on and so will he. It's definitely better this way.

Once I get to the engineering building, I find the right lab and let myself in. Devon is working on his robot in the corner of the room at his station so I go over to him.

"Hey, Devon," I greet him as I approach. I stay out of his way so that I don't mess anything up. He's very particular about the way his station is set up so that everything is perfectly organized. One bump of the table could offset everything.

"Oh. Sutton, hey," He smiles at me before he starts screwing something into the robot he's working on. "This isn't a very impressive bot, just something for a class I'm taking. You should have come later, I'm working on the real masterpiece."

"I won't be here long," I assure him. "Do you have a second to talk?"

"A good talk or a bad one?"

"Bad, probably," I sigh.

He pauses in his work and glances up at me before he says, "Then no, I don't have much time. I'm totally booked for right now."

"You just said that this robot isn't a very big deal," I remind him. "Just take five minutes, I really need to talk to you."

"It's not a big deal but it's for a grade," Devon adds.

"Okay, well I think that you already know what I'm going to say so if you won't take the time to hear it then fine," I decide because he can be as childish as he wants, I'm still going to put my foot down about this. Jonah told me that he loved me over the break and I realized that the feeling is mutual. I'm not okay with ruining that by talking to Devon. He's a good guy but he's not worth that risk.

"Sutton, wait, come on," He finally puts down the screwdriver and looks up at me from his work desk. "Why are you doing this again?"

"I've just realized how much Jonah means to me and I'm not willing to fuck it up just because I'm feeling nostalgic," I explain to him, trying to sound as sensitive as I can to his feelings. I don't want to hurt him but coming back into each other's lives was just a bad idea.

"Hey, Sutton," Somebody else enters the room and interrupts our conversation. I turn around to see one of Devon's friends entering the room. Is work station is just across from Devon's so when we were dating, I saw Graham a lot. He's funny and nice so we were kind of friends back then. "It's so cool that you two are getting back together, you know, this guy is hopeless without you."

I look back at Devon with raised eyebrows. "We're getting back together?"

He hesitates when he sees the irritation on my face but Devon eventually admits, "I may have told a few people that-"

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