27- The Girl Pretends

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The first snow of the year lands on Monday. It's beautiful outside, floating down from the skies like a white fluffy miracle. Stepping outside though, I'm remembering how terrible snow really is. It's freezing outside, the snow is quickly turning into slippery mush on the ground, and it's hard to see where I'm going with the flurries in my face.

I keep my hands in my coat pockets to save them from the cold until I get to Starbucks to warm my hands with a hot coffee. I take my good time moving from Starbucks to the arts building where my film class is because I'm dreading what's about to happen. I have to face Levi after what had happened on Saturday night. I have been arguing with myself and with Sutton for the past twelve hours nonstop about whether I should go to class today and eventually, she won. I'm going.

We are meeting tonight to go over the footage we have so far anyway so it's not like I can avoid him forever. I have to be a big kid and face the mistakes that my drunken self has created. We usually sit together in our lecture hall now since we've started this project but when I go in today, I don't know what I'll do.

Should I sit beside Levi or find another seat? What will my decision say to him?

I stand inside of the building right outside of the lecture hall for a good five minutes, waiting until the last minute that I have to go in before I'm late for the lecture and once I eventually go through the doors, I decide to just go sit with Levi like I usually do. I think the best way to get past this is to just pretend like it didn't happen. Ignore it until it fades away. Like Sutton suggested, I'm just going to pretend like I don't even remember it.

Levi is already sitting down so as I go down the stairs of the lecture hall to join him, I prepare my 'nothing is wrong' attitude so that I can just pretend like it didn't happen, that I didn't tell him that I'm jealous.

"Good morning," I pipe, sounding way too happy for how early in the morning it is.

"Morning," He responds slowly, clearly apprehensive about how this is going to go. If he doesn't directly bring it up though, I think we'll be okay.

"How was your date?" I ask him, deciding that since I am going with the 'I don't remember' route, I wouldn't remember me asking him on Saturday night how his date went.

"Uh, it was good," He mutters, looking at me with a confused frown.

I take off my black bomber jacket because the heat is on in the building and I'm wearing a dark plaid button up dress and leggings underneath of it so I don't need the jacket. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Nothing," He shakes his head and then opens up his laptop as I do the same thing, pulling my laptop out of my bag and placing it on my own desk. "Um, the date was good. We had fun."

"That's good," I say in response. "I didn't have a date but I had a pretty good weekend."

"I'm sure you did."

Class starts after that and so we listen to the lecture carefully. I type specific notes on my laptop so that I have everything for the next exam which is coming up next week right before Thanksgiving break. I'm not too worried about it but I'd like to be over prepared just in case. I'm glad that he's also pretending like Saturday night didn't happen, now that he realizes that I don't remember—or at least that I'm pretending like I don't.

After class, I start packing things up to head to lunch before my math class later in the day.

"So we're still on for tonight, right?" Levi wonders as he's putting his own laptop in his book bag.

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