29- The Girl is Frustrated

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I know that Levi didn't do it on purpose when he brought Addison to our meeting on Wednesday but it still had me pissed off for an entire day. The entire meeting was uncomfortable because Addison was the only one talking. I tried to keep on track, talking about the film and what else needs to be done after the Thanksgiving break but it was hard. Levi wasn't even trying, he was just silent the entire time, glancing up at me as if to watch my reaction to having Addison there. After the meeting, he had explained to me that he didn't want to be rude but Addison had insisted on coming so that she could see the progress of the film.

It still sucked though.

And now, on Saturday, we have our last day of shooting so I have to see Addison again. She's blindingly nice and when it's the three of us, Levi is obnoxiously awkward because he knows that I like him but he doesn't know that I know that he knows that I like him. So he gets quiet and Addison likes to talk.

Luckily, filming today isn't just the three of us so I stay busy with getting the set ready, making sure that everybody has the right props and makeup done. I stay away from Levi and as much as possible, I stay away from Addison too. I'd like to be Levi's friend, he's a really cool guy, but if he can't just ignore my feelings for him then our friendship is just going to be awkward.

At least today, Tristan is with me on set so that if I'm feeling too awkward, I can retreat to him and he'll give me one kiss on the cheek and it'll calm me down just a little bit.

"Hey," Levi approaches me as I'm setting up the camera for the next shot that we need.

"Hey," I repeat his greeting back to him.

"I think that we should amp up the boom in this next one," He tells me. "Addy has to talk quietly in this scene so we'll need to get more sound."

"Sure," I say and that sounds like the end of our conversation but Levi doesn't leave my side so I look up at him and away from the camera. "The boom is over there with the crew."

"Right. Are you okay, Lana? You've been really quiet today," He asks me, keeping his voice quiet so that nobody else can hear the conversation.

"I'm great," I confirm with a nod, keeping our eye contact in hopes of proving to him just how great I am. "Never been better, really."

"Are you sure?" He persists. "It's just that things have seemed off lately with us."

"Things have been hectic," I explain to him with a small shrug. "Trying to get filming done before the break and everything. And I'm distracted about other classes right now too. Professors love giving projects right before Thanksgiving. I'm still doing a good job on the film though, we're right on track."

"Right, I know," He confirms and then clears his throat.

"Levi!" Addison calls for her boyfriend but he doesn't move to go to her, he just stands in front of me and we don't break eye contact for a long moment.

"You should go," I say slowly. "Girlfriend's calling."

"Yeah," He blinks at me a few times and I think that we're having a moment. Not a romantic moment but just a moment in time where we're just looking at each other and we understand each other. Maybe I'm just thinking too much about our prolonged eye contact.

He turns around and walks back to his girlfriend and I go back to adjusting the camera's setting.

After that scene is finished, I order pizza for everybody and we continue shooting until the pizza gets to the set and we all take a break. Tristan was here for the morning but I let him leave after he got some pizza because he looked bored and I didn't want to torture him all day but he does leave with the promise of coming to my apartment tonight after I'm done filming.

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