Chapter 6: Let's Explore

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Breanna's Outfit:


“Bree come down here! We have a guest!” Simon yelled from below. I rolled my eyes; I wasn’t in the mood to see anyone today. Or any day really. I walked down stairs and almost fell back because of how forceful the hug was. I worked out that the person was a guy; I released the guy but then soon embraced him again when I saw that it was Louis. We got on really well.

“Oh my gosh Lou! What are you doing here?” I said almost screaming in his ear and he laughed. After I heard the song I had become really close to him and I hadn’t seen him in ages! Okay…. It’s been two days but he always makes me feel joyful which is difficult for me to feel these days.

“I came to collect you so I could show you around London.” He said with a proud smile on his face.

I squealed jumping up and down, this was going to be so much fun! Also dangerous because of their fans and but that's not the point.

“Come on let’s go!” He said and grabbed my wrist. I said goodbye to Simon and Louis practically dragged me to the car because he was running so fast. He didn’t even let me change my outfit, oh well.

“Where are the other boys?” I ask.

“Erm… they couldn’t make it. Zayn is out with Perrie today, Niall and Harry are writing a song together and Liam is visiting his family today.” 

“So where are we going to first?”

“That’s going to be a surprise.” He said with a wink and I groaned, I hate surprises.

Once he parked the car I didn’t recognise the place. We were parked in front of a gorgeous sparkling blue lake. I saw a couple having a picnic, children feeding the ducks and people taking photos of the lake. I just wondered what we were doing here. He held out his hand for me to hold and we began walking. As we began walking towards the lake I could hear a guitar playing in the distance and it sounded lovely. I subconsciously smiled at the sound.

“Why are you smiling?” Louis asked.

“The guitar. Do you not hear it?”

“No I do. Do you want to go and see who is playing?” I nodded and we started to walk in the direction of the guitar. As we got closer I could make out four people, they were all sitting down in a circle. The one with the guitar was leaning against the tree and I think he had blond hair. There was one with curly hair and the other two had quiffs…

“Is that…?!” I trailed off in excitement and Louis nodded with a smile on his face. I let go of his hand and began running over to them. Liam saw me and waved as he got up. I ran into his open arms and laughed. This was the best surprise ever. I felt like I had grown really close to the boys after they wrote the song about me. Niall, Harry and Zayn got up and I gave them hugs too.

“Whose idea was this?” I asked my eyes sparkling.

“It was actually Simon’s idea that we take you out.” Louis replied.

“But I was supposed to go and visit my family today but I couldn’t make it because my mum Karen got called into work today on short notice so I’m visiting them next week.” Liam explained.

“It was Harry’s idea that we make it a surprise.” Zayn said.

“Well thank you, this is really nice of you guys.” I say smiling. “So where are we going?”

“Well we did some investigating and our source said that you absolutely love Harry Potter so we organised a tour of the Harry Potter set,” a smile instantly spread across my face. Harry Potter is probably my most favourite movie series, “and then after that we’re going to Madame Tussauds. After dinner we’re going to go the London Eye.” Louis explained proudly. This was going to be the best day of my life.



“Oh my gosh that was freaking amazing!” I say as we sit down. The Harry Potter tour was just… I can’t even begin to explain how long I have wanted to go to that place. My life is complete now as a Potterhead. And I had no idea that the boys had their own wax figures! 

“So what did you honestly think of our wax figures?” Zayn asks laughing.

“I thought it was hilarious! You saw my reaction when I saw you guys!” I said, now it was my turn laugh. When I saw them I started laughing, I then got a normal picture then I started to poke them in the eyeballs. I just wanted to see what it was like!

“You do realise that’s probably going to be on twitter or something…” Niall said with a smile.

“Do you see me caring?” I say and laugh even harder. He just shrugged and went to order our food with Harry.

My phone buzzed and it was Mary. “Excuse me.” I say and call Mary like she texted seconds ago.

“Hey what’s up?” I ask.

“What are you doing with the boys today?!” She asks in a higher pitch than usual.

I began to explain what has happen throughout the day. She tells me that some people are already people saying that they’re going to hunt me down and kill me and all that kind of stuff and that really hurt. I haven’t done anything wrong, I’ve just been hanging out with the guys all day. It’s not like I’m dating them. A tear slide down my cheek. Now you might be saying ‘just suck it up Bree’ or ‘don’t cry, all celebrities and their partners/friends get that’ but please don’t. After the accident I don’t handle hate and bullying very well because of my depression.

“Are you okay Bree?” Mary asks quietly through the phone.

“Ah yeah… I, I have to go.” I say and hang up. I call a taxi to come and pick me up so I can go home.

“Thanks so much for today guys but I need to go home.” I say once I get back to the table.

“Why? Bree, what happened?” Louis asks grabbing onto my arm before I can leave.

“Nothing, I'll see you later.” Louis loosen his grip from my arm from and I then run outside to the taxi that’s waiting for me. Once I arrive back at home, I give the driver the money he needed and ran straight to my bathroom and lock the door. I opened my cabinet that’s underneath my sink and reached for the back. I cut my hand finding what I was looking for. My razor. 

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