Chapter 29: Moving In

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A/N: what do you guys think of the new cover? Please tell me what you think in the comments and don't forget to vote! x


Breanna's Outfit:



What just happened?

What the fuck just happened?

The tears continue to stream down my face as I sit here in Liam's apartment. It's now 1:47am and I haven't slept a wink. I haven't eaten anything. I haven't done anything except cry and argue with Liam to let me sleep out here in the living room for the night because I don't want to go back to my so called 'home'.

"Babe?" Liam calls behind me. He's never called me babe before and it makes my tummy do flips.

I sit up and his face goes from sleepy to wide awake in a matter of seconds.

"Are you o-okay?" I ask through my sobs and he nods.

"Have you slept?" He asks his eyes wide and I shake my head in response.

He grabs some tissues and hands them to me then sits down next to me.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks quietly.

"Not really." I say and lay my head in his lap.

He moves the hair out of my face and tucks it behind my ear. The small action calms me down.

A comfortable silence enters the room and Liam sighs.

"You called me babe." I say with a slight smile and I can see him turning red in the dim light.

"Don't you like it?"

"I love it." I reply and kiss his hand.

We sit there letting the silence fill the apartment again. It's nice.

"Are things good with you and Harry?"

"Um... sort of." He replies hesitantly.


"Okay so I may have threatened him..." I sit up and look at him.


"I'm sorry I am trying to make things better I really am." He replies.

"Okay." I say and lie back down. "Can you sing to me please?"

He thinks about it for a moment and then begins singing Wake Me Up by Ed Sheeran.

I should ink my skin, with your name.
Take my passport out again,
and just replace it.
See I could do without a tan on my left hand,
where my fourth finger meets my knuckle.
And I should run you a hot bath and fill it up with bubbles.

'Cause maybe you're loveable,
and maybe you're my snowflake,
and your eyes turn from green to grey,
in the winter I'll hold you in a cold place.
And you should never cut your hair,
'cause I love the way you flick it off your shoulder,
And you will never know, just how beautiful you are to me,
but maybe I'm just in love when you wake me up.

And would you ever feel guilty? If you did the same to me.
Would you make me a cup of tea, to open my eyes in the right way?
And I know you love shrek, 'cause we've watched it twelve times.
But, maybe you're hoping for a fairy-tale too...

...I slowly drift off to sleep dreaming about what my life would be like if my parents were still here with me. Oh god I miss them so much. Another tear slides down my cheek before I slip into unconscious.


Bree..." Someone continuously shakes me until I open my eyes. Familiar blue eyes meet mine and it takes me a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to the bright light from the sun. I then notice the smell of pancakes drifting from the kitchen to the living room.

"Who's making those delicious pancakes?" I ask Niall with a smile on my face.

"That would be me." Niall replies proudly and my smile grows.

"Good morning Niall." I say and hug him.

"Morning! How did you sleep?" He asks going back to the kitchen and I follow.

"Very well besides the fact that I didn't get to sleep until probably after 2am." I answer and yawn.

"Why's that?" He asks curious.

"I couldn't stop crying until Liam came." I reply honestly. "Is he still asleep?"

"Yeah he must have waited for you to fall asleep before he went back to bed." Niall tells me.

"I feel so bad." I say and sit on one of the stools that are under the bench.

"Don't be. You do know he cares about you so much?" Niall says looking up from the pan.

"Yes of course I do but he needs to look after himself as well."

"He's not good at that when he's with you." Niall tells me and that makes me smile.

We continue to talk about Liam and what he was like with Danielle. He tells me that he will only continue to put me first and it will most likely get worse for him. Niall told me a story about when they were at home and Danielle hurt herself when she was dancing and Liam wouldn't let her do anything, then when Danielle had had enough she told him to stop and to go do something for himself otherwise she would dump him. I laughed because that sounds like something I would do.

It's nearly 11am before Niall and I begin to eat and Liam still isn't up but I don't blame him. Once we finish it's just past 11:30am so I decide to have a shower.

"Hey Bree can I come in for a sec?" Niall says after he knocks on the door.

I quickly wrap the plush white towel around me and open the door.

"Sorry." He says blushing and steps in the bathroom. "I need to talk to you about something and it can't wait."

"What's wrong?" I ask and sit down on the toilet lid.

This can't be good.

"There's two parts to this question." Niall explains and I nod.

"Okay so firstly, what do you plan to do when you back to Simon's house?"

"I think I'm going to move out, I can't stay there. When I save up enough money I plan to look for an apartment of my own." I reply looking down. "Why?"

"That's the second part of the question. After you fell asleep Liam woke me up and he asked me if it would be okay if you moved in with us." A smile spread across my face and Niall continued.

"I said that it would be fine but I didn't know about you and neither did Liam so I just want to put it out there while he is asleep so you can think about it. I know that you haven't known us for long let alone been here for a whole year but I just don't want you to feel pressured to stay here." He says and looks me in my eyes.

"Thanks Niall." I say and hug him with one arm and the other holds my towel in place.

"Sorry, I'll let you shower." He laughs and leaves me in my own thoughts.

After I shower I change back into my clothes from yesterday because I didn't bring anything with me. I blow dry my hair and leave it down. I walk out and almost make it down the little hallway before I am tackled by Liam which instantly puts a smile on my face.

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