Chapter 42: Getting Ready

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Breanna's Outfit:

Liam's Outfit:


"Bree." Liam says grabbing my hand swinging me around to face him. "I never liked you."


"I know that! You didn't have to say it to my face!" I yell and gasp for air, falling to the ground. Never have I ever felt so broken and ripped apart in my life. I have never felt so... so used.

Liam drops my hand but he doesn't leave. I muster up what little courage I have left and look up at him and he looks confused which makes me confused so now we are all confused.

"Wait... how... how did you know?" Liam asks.

"Silence speaks l-louder than w-words." I reply looking away from his chocolate brown eyes that no longer sparkle.

"Oh! No... no no no that's not what I meant!" He says laughing.

My head snaps up to look at him once again. He shouldn't be laughing. This is no laughing matter at all.

"Care to explain?" I ask annoyed but mostly very damn confused.

Liam gets off my bed and sits down next to me. He grabs my hands and envelopes them in his. I flinch but don't pull away. His smile drops but it doesn't vanish.

"How do I put this," he sighs closing his eyes for only a few seconds to gather his thoughts. "I liked you at the start. When I first met you in the studio I knew you were freaking awesome. I wanted to get to know you as quickly as I could but soon the "like" turned into "love" and well to answer your question Bree, I... I love you."

"Is this some kind of sick joke?" I ask Liam in disbelief.

"No why would even think that? Breanna I love you. Do you need me to spell it out for you? I-L-O-V-E-Y-"

I cut him off by pressing my chapped lips to his soft ones before he could finish spelling 'I love you' even though I know how. Neither of us moved. We did not wrap our arms around each other, we just simply kissed. But this kiss might just be our last so I pulled away.


We talked for hours. Well, Liam talked for hours I just listened. He told me about the new album and how it was nice to just focus on the album rather than touring at the same time. That's all I remember before I drifted off to sleep in his arms. For the little time that I was resting, I dreamed and it was a bitter sweet.

I float above the ground, transparent and weightless. I can see Liam. He's in a suit and looks very handsome. A song that I don't recognize begins to play and a beautiful women in a stunning wedding dress begins walking down the aisle with four girls trailing behind; her bridesmaids. A smile that could light up the whole world appears on Liam's face.

Now we're at the reception. Liam is standing up with a microphone in his hands getting ready to say his speech.

"Um.. Hi," he laughs nervously. "You would think after years of performing for millions of people I would be pretty confident at speaking in front of a crowd but I guess I though wrong," the crowd laughs. A tear rolls down my cheek. "I learnt about love a long time ago, well, it feels like a long time ago when in fact it was about seven years ago. Her name was Breanna, she is long gone now, but she taught me so much about how love is one of the strongest emotions you can ever feel and when she died I thought I was done for. I thought I was going to die alone with nobody else to love but then this angel," he gestures to his wife sitting at the long table, "came along and pulled me from the darkness and taught me how to love again. I will never be able to thank Bree and the woman I get to call my wife enough for that. We get to spend the rest of our lives together..."

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