Chapter 22: Bad Harry

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Breanna's Outfit:

Breanna's Other Outfit:


Liam, Louis and I sit down on the couch but Zayn and Niall don’t say anything, they probably don’t need to. They probably heard everything. Scratch it, of course they heard the conversation. 

“Bree what… what happened?” He asks stunned.

Liam explains everything for me (bless his heart) and Harry looks very angry.

“I’ll… I will go and speak to him.” He says and storms out of the room.

“Harry!” I say and run down the hall after him.

“Harry stop!” I yell and he turns around.

“He’s not here. Simon’s at home with Mia.”

“Mia is a snobby little bitch what is he doing with her?!” He yells furiously and I shake my head. The rest of the boys come out of the recording studio and Liam takes my hand and rubs little circles with his thumb on the top of my hand.

“Harry, it’s going to be okay.” Louis says but I'm not even convinced and I don’t think he is either.

“Are you going home?” Harry asks me when we get to the foyer and I nod.

“I’m coming with you.” He orders, he must be so angry.

“No Harry, you don’t need to.” I say and put my hand on his shoulder.

“But I do! Simon deserves so much better! I’ll have to punch some sense into that guy.”

“No you will definitely not do that.” I say shocked but the others don’t look fazed by his comment.

I eventually convince Harry to come back with me along with the help of Louis and Niall. I drive back home along playing Ed Sheeran to try and stop myself from crying which doesn’t really work because Ed is just so perfect and is music is just perfect and his hair is perfect… you get what I’m saying. Ed Sheeran is just perfect.

When I arrive home it is quiet and look around but Simon isn’t home which is really good for me. I take advantage of the emptiness to go and eat something. I end up eating half of the block of chocolate that I stashed in my bedroom while watching Breaking Dawn: Part 2 in my bedroom. My phone rings and I hope that it’s Liam but it's Harry.

“Hey Harry.” I say and pause the movie.

“Hi Bree, is Simon there?” He asks quickly.

“No… why?” I ask.

“No reason, I’ll see you later.” He replies and hangs up.

When the movie finished I decided to finish learning Stay by Rihanna, all I had to was learn the last part and then I was done. By the time I got it right, it was six thirty and my tummy was rumbling. I made some toast because I couldn’t be stuffed making anything decent and began reading through my twitter mentions and timeline. I had a lot of girls congratulating me and saying how they thought that Liam and I are a cute couple then others were telling me that I should go kill myself. Over the past few days I’ve kind of just learned to ignore them and it’s all because of Liam. He really has saved my life.

I must have fallen asleep because I was awoken by someone shushing someone else that was giggling. I groan and get up from the couch. I pad through the kitchen and find Simon and Mia laughing quietly together. Mia was the first one to notice me.

“Well hello Breanna!” She says happily. Too happily.

“Don’t speak to me.” I say coldly and go to my room.

I pick up my phone to dial Liam but he beats me to it.

“Hey I was just about to call you!” I say happily and he chuckles lightly.

“Bree I was just wondering if you would like to accompany me to Ed Sheeran’s birthday party next week?” He asks nervously.

The Ed Sheeran?” I ask excited.

“Yep.” He replies popping the ‘p’.

“Yes of course! That would be absolutely amazing!” If I was with him I would give him the biggest hug.

“Okay well do you want to go shopping for our outfits together?” He asks nervous once again, I can imagine his cheeks turn red.

“Yeah! When do you want to go?”


“Perfect, see you then!” I say excitedly.

“Okay, bye!”

“Goodbye!” And I hang up.



There was a knock at the door and I sprinted down the stairs and hallway to get it praying that it was Liam. I open the door to reveal Harry. This was unusual.

“Hi Harry, what are you doing here?” I ask curiously.

“Is Liam or Simon here?” He demands and I shake my head.

He invites himself into the house and waits for me to follow him into the kitchen.

“Harry is everything alright?” I ask concerned as I sit down on a stool.


There she sits with a concerned face. Oh how I love that face. She props her chin in her hands and looks at me. Do I lie or do I tell her the truth? Or more importantly show her the truth.

“Harry please say something.” She pleads.

I decide to lie.

“Have you spoken to Simon?”

“I know that’s not what you came here to say Harry so just spit it out.” She says sternly and her eyebrows furrow together, she looks so cute.

But instead I chicken out. “You know what… it doesn’t matter.” I say and fast walk to the door.

“Harry wait!” She says and grabs my wrist.

“Please speak to me.” She says and her eyes are glassy and I shake my head.

“I can’t Bree… it will ruin everything.” I say honestly.

“Harry please.”

I walk out the door but she follows, she is a stubborn one. I don’t even know why I came here in the first place when I know this would happen. She grabs my hand this time and wraps her fingers tightly around so I can’t let go. I muster up the courage and turn around and crash my lips to hers. Her eyes widen in shock and she pushes me away.

“Harry what the fuck was that?” She yells.

“That’s what I came for okay!” I yell back and run to my car. 

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