Chapter 37: Maybe Dead

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Breanna's Outfit:



It's been three days since Bree has left but it feels like years have passed since I last saw her. I feel empty without her around me. It's like all the life has been sucked out from me.

Every night I have the same nightmare. She is on the top of a building and I am standing there with her. It's only the two of us. She kisses me softly on the lips before taking two steps back and falls off the edge.

"Come on Liam you need to get up!" Niall yells through my closed door which is unlocked so I don't know why he doesn't just open it.

"Never!" I yell back and put my pillow over my head in an attempt to block out Niall's shouting. It's a habit that I picked up from Breanna.

"You've got five seconds before I come charging in on my lovely orange horse and drag you to the studio!" He shouts and begins counting backwards from ten.

"Five... four... three..." He begins.

"Oh alright I'm coming!"

I get out of bed and squint at the light that shines through the window. I look at the clock on my wall and it is only ten a.m. Psh I'm not tired...

"Oh Liam you look horrible." Niall remarks when I open the door.

"Gee thanks." I say sarcastically and yawn.

"No problem!"

Niall disappears in the direction of the kitchen so I go into my bathroom to splash some water onto my face to try and wake me up. Niall finds me minutes later lying on my bed. When I peer up at him he is hold a white plate with what I think is bread on it.

"Eat this. You've got ten minutes to get ready before we have to go." He tells me placing the plate on my bedside table.

I'm lucky to have a friend like Niall. He really is trying his hardest to get my mind off Bree.

Once we arrived at the recording studio they got me in the booth first but I just couldn't sing.

"Come on Liam; use all the emotions to your ability to create a great song. You can do it." Harry encourages me.

If I can channel all the emotions that I am feeling, my parts in each song could be amazing. I blow my nose and wipe away the tears that have fallen down my cheeks. I take a sip of water and take a deep breath in before going back to the microphone to sing my heart out.

Once I have finished, my vision is blurry which is caused by the tears building in my eyes. I take the head phones off and walk as quickly as I can to the bathroom. My hands grab the edge of the sink and I bow my head taking deep breaths in and out.

I hear the door open but I don't turn my head to look.

"Hey Liam, are you alright?" A deep voice - Harry - asks behind me.

"Yeah, I just need to make a phone call. Excuse me." I reply and push past him.

I make my way down the corridor and out onto the balcony closing the glass sliding door behind me.

I go into my contacts and stop on Breanna's name. I tap on it and I wait for her to pick up her phone. I knew that I would regret this later but not hearing her voice is driving me crazy.


I stare at the light green wall on my side with my legs pulled up to my chest so I'm curled up into a ball under my blankets. I haven't left this position for days. I don't know what I have done to myself. I've been immersed in my deadly thoughts for years but now it seems like they could kill me from the inside then work their way out. Sometimes I wonder how I am still alive.

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