Chapter 43: Goodbye To The Future

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A/N: Thank you so much for the 5k reads!!


Songs for this chapter:

Farewell and Goodnight by Birdy

Moments by One Direction

The Beacon by The Fine Frenzy



My hands are stuffed tightly into the pockets of my cardigan, gripping onto the necklace I gave Breanna a few months ago. I hold onto it like I am afraid I am going to lose it forever. I am afraid I'm going to lose her for forever it's my worst nightmare.

I have prepared everything for tonight's date with Breanna in Mary and her mum's kitchen. All I have to do now is plate everything up but in order to do that I need to wait from Breanna.

Since I got here, it took me about forty minutes to prepare tonight's two course meal consisting of spaghetti bolognaise (that's the only decent meal I can make) and a lemon tart which Mary helped me with because I honestly suck at cooking.

But I am starting to worry about Breanna. Mary says that she's been in there for almost two hours. Like I know it takes girls a long time to get ready but seriously, two hours?! I am so tempted to barge - okay not really but just go with it - into her room and see what's taking so long.

What if she's fallen asleep? Or fallen over because she can't really walk yet. What if.. what if she's not even here?!

"Liam... Liam!" I bring myself back to this world. Mary is standing right in front of me.

"Sorry, what's up?" I ask.

"You're looking very tense... is everything all right?" She asks a concern look growing on her face.

"Yeah yeah... just... where is she?" Mary laughs and I my cheeks heat up from embarrassment.

"You can go check on her. She's probably trying to talk herself out of it you know, she's very nervous."

"Really? Why?"

Mary shrugs her shoulders. "I don't know, but maybe if you go in there you'll be able to bring her out with you." She gives me a light push in the direction of Breanna's bedroom. I take a deep breath before continuing on my way.

I knock four times on the door (because I hate it when people only knock three times) and wait a minute. No reply. I knock again. No reply. I knock twice and call out her name but once again there is no reply, so I crack open her door and peek through. The coast is clear so I open the door all the way and step in. The first thing that I notice is that the door to the bedroom en-suite is closed. She's probably still getting ready. I knock on the door and once again wait a minute for a reply but do not receive one.

"Breanna?" I call but get ignored. I check to see if the door is locked and like a gift from the heavens above it is not. "Breanna it's Liam. I'm coming in."

I open the door and am greeted with an unconscious girl - my girl Breanna - with needle and an empty pot of pills by her side.



I finish doing my makeup and hair because every girl wants to leave a good impression. I turn away from the mirror and grab the letters I had written last night to Liam, Mary and a collective one for the rest of the boys from the bottom of my underwear drawer.

I then go back into the bathroom and close the door behind me. I look at myself one last time and smile. There's nothing behind my eyes anymore. No light or happiness. Just nothing.

I peer down at my dripping wrists not bothering to clean them up this time. I sigh and a tear falls down and drops onto an open cut making it sting a little. But the pain is good.

I finally grab my tools - a needle and my little pot of pills that I had left over from the car accident. I sit myself against one of the walls and place the letters on the ground next to me.

"This is for the best." I whisper to myself before I insert the needle into the inside of my elbow. I see no reason to live anymore. All I do is make people miserable. "For freedom." I then shove the pills down my throat.

"I love you Liam." I whisper shutting my eyes for the last time.

As my back presses against the smooth white wall of the bathroom my whole life literally flashes before my eyes... I see and I feel -in a way- every time Liam's lips pressed against mine. Images of my first day of school with my parents make me smile as tears pore down my cheeks. I just remember everything amazing that has happened in my life -including One Direction- and I don't regret a single thing. The only regret that I have is not leaving sooner.

For the first time in a long time I notice how amazing my life was and how much happiness the boys have brought me. I realise that people actually care for me. They'll all be heartbroken when they find me here lying on the floor with no life flowing through my veins. Well I hope so anyways.

There's no turning back now.




Everything in me stopped. All I could do was stare at her lifeless body her chest unmoving.

Then it clicked with my brain. She was dead.

I scream out in horror. "No! No no no! Bree!" I scramble towards her and pick up her limp body, cradling her in my arms. "Please don't be dead please don't be dead." I say through my tears.

"What's go-" Mary stops mid-sentence once she sees the scene in front of her. "No she can't... no... is this..."

I just nod. All I can do is nod. I'm afraid that if I talk I'm just going to scream and scream and scream. I look down at the needle and empty bottle of pills and then decide that it's too painful to look at so I look back up at Mary. Her face is blank showing no emotion.

"I... I'm going to call an ambulance." She stutters and rushes out of the room.

I can't stop looking at her face. Well, I can barely see it through the salty water pouring from my eyes but you get what I mean. My eyes scan down here body and land on her wrists coloured with blood which no longer flows but instead it just drips onto the tiles.

"Why? Why now Bree... why?" I exclaim and hug her tighter. "You weren't supposed to leave me." I press my lips to her forehead.

"The ambulance will be here soon." I look up at Mary. Her eyes and nose a red from crying and her cheeks are stained with tears.

"Liam I had no idea..." She trails off and begins to sob.

"Come here." I release one of my arms from Bree in a gesture for a hug and she does but then stops.

"W-what are th-these?" She bends down next to where Bree is draped across my legs and it is then that I see three envelopes. She picks them up and reads out three names. "Liam, Mary and the boys... I think they're letters."

She hands me my one and the one for the rest of the band keeps hers.

"Do you think they're from her?" I ask even though the answer is obvious. Mary nods.

We sit in silence staring at the letters as we wait for the ambulance to take Breanna away. Breanna still lies in my lap motionless...

I just can't let her go.

She'll always be with me. Maybe not in a physical form but she will always be in my heart.


A/N: This was such a hard chapter to write as many of these feelings and thoughts I have dealt with before. Don't forget to vote and comment! Also this is not the last chapter. There will be an epilogue kind of thing so stay with me for a few more days x

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