Chapter 35: Going Home... Wherever That May Be (Part 1)

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Breanna's Outfit:



She needs me and I never thought that I would hear those words come out of her mouth ever again.

“No Liam.” Hold on, now I’m confused. “I need you to… I need you to leave me alone.”

What? I can’t leave her. That’s actually impossible. I promised myself that I would never let her go ever again. I just got her back and now she is leaving me. That’s not possible. I must be dreaming. Am I dreaming? This all feels too real to be a dream.

“I’m not letting you go again Bree.” I say as firmly as I can but my voice comes out strangled.

“Well if you’re not going to let me go then I will. I leave to go back to Australia tomorrow.”

“That soon?” I ask quietly and she nods in response.

“But you haven’t even started packing!” I yell but she sits on the bed motionless.

I stare at her, trying to find any sign of emotion but there was nothing. What do I do now?

“Is everything alright Liam?” Zayn asks concerned through the door.

I open the door and Breanna’s head snaps my way.

“Let’s go Zayn.” I reply gloomily not really answering Zayn’s question.


As soon as Liam shuts the door my vision clouds before I fall to the ground in a useless heap of tears trying to get my head around the fact that tomorrow I was leaving to go back to my real home.

I eventually pull my shit together and book a flight. I then grab my suitcases and begin to throw everything important into them. I pack all of my clothes, favourite books, a teddy that I’ve had since I was a little munchkin, basic jewellery and all my makeup.

Everything else is just going to have to stay here for now.

When I finally got the zip on my suitcase to zip up all the way around it, I check the time and it was almost half past one. Thank goodness my plane leaves in the afternoon.

I change into my pyjamas and hop into bed and fall asleep almost immediately.



It was now the next day and I just told Harry and Louis what had happened last night. I would have told them when I got home last night but I was so drained that I feel asleep twenty minutes through watching The Proposal.

“Come on Louis! You need to stop her!” I beg him.

“I can’t Liam; she has already bought the ticket!” He explains me and puts his head in his hand.

“There must be something you can say or do!” I sit down next to him and put my hand on his shoulder.

“I doubt it.” He replies coldly.

It’s almost like he wants her to leave. Does he want her to leave? I can understand why he would want her to leave. Bree has gone through so much while she’s been here but he just doesn’t understand that I need her. She has my heart and without her I will… well I don’t know what I would do.

“What about you Zayn?” I say turn to him but he shakes his head.

“Look Liam there is a difference between needing someone in your life and loving someone. So ask yourself, do you really need her? You’ve lived twenty years of your life without her so why is it different now?” He replies looking up from his phone.

Why is he so damn wise?

“It… I just really love her Zayn!” I yell frustrated and throw my hands in the air.

Zayn smiles and that just fuels my anger even more. "Why are you smiling?” I ask pointing at Zayn.

“What are still doing here then?” He asks with a smirk. Now I’m confused. “If you love her, then why are you not at the airport right now trying to stop her from getting on that plane?” He asks answering my puzzled expression.

I let his question sink and then I have a light bulb moment. Zayn should be freaking Einstein or someone like that because he is just so smart.

“Zayn you are a genius!” I say and pull him in for a hug before kissing both of his cheeks.

“No problem.” He says with a smile.

I grab my keys off the bench and shout to the boys that I’m going to the airport. This is my last chance. Let’s not fuck it up this time.


I quickly got dressed into my pink top and jeans, making sure that I had my leggings in my carry-on luggage so that I could change into them later. I did my hair carefully in a ponytail with a braid detail because I had too much time to spare. I then made my way downstairs to have my first proper conversation with Simon in months.

When I arrived in the kitchen it was empty but then I realised that it was almost twelve o’clock so he was probably in his office. I took my time getting there because I just love to procrastinate. I'm just kidding, I love white walls.

I quietly knock on the door even though it was open.

“Breanna?” He says shocked and I give him a small smile.

“Come in, take a seat.”

I take a seat in one of his white leather chairs and look at him.

“Is everything okay?” He asks concerned putting his pen on the desk.

“I’m going back home.” I reply not able to look Simon in the eye.

“But you are home.”

“Home as in Adelaide.”


A silence filled the air as I waited for the next question.

“When do you leave?” He asks the sadness evident in his voice.

“About three hours.” I answer looking up into his glassy eyes.


“I need to get away. From everything.”

“From everyone.” He adds quietly and I nod.

I take a sharp breath in as I stand up and I make my way to the door.

“Breanna.” Simon says behind me and I turn around.


“Um… I’m really sorry for everything. Especially for making you tell your story to the boys because if you hadn’t had met them none of this would have happened.” He doesn’t break eye contact at any point and that’s when I realise that he really is sorry.

“It’s okay, I’m kind of glad that I met them. I know that I haven’t been the nicest person for the past couple of months but those boys are the best and worst thing that has ever happened to me.” I tell him and I really do mean it.

“Really?” He asks shocked and I nod then exit the room.

A tear slid down my cheek as I turn down the hall. I would miss Simon. I would miss Harry. And Niall. Louis. Not to mention Zayn. Liam.



Every time I think of him the knife that is in my heart turns a little bit more and it hurts so bad.

I would miss him terribly but I know what I am doing is for the best.

I think. 

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