April 11th 2016

18 0 0

It was the same old same old in the mornings, i woke up at 6:30 in the morning before everyone was awake and sat at my normal table, I stared out the window like i do every morning and just day dreamed. Next thing i knew, the staff was waking up the other kids. But this time there was a new kid. He walked out and sat at the chairs in front of the T.V. He was tall, skinny, kinda looked like he would be a football player. I didn't pay much mind to him at first because, I didn't know why he was here and if he wanted to talk or anything. Kamryn then walked out and she came over to my table. After that followed Kyra. I didn't have my hoodie anymore. I gave it to Kamryn and shes been wearing it ever since i gave it to her, but its fine, its not too cold for me. She curled up into the chair and into my jacket as if she was a human burrito. After everyone got up we went down for breakfast, the new kid couldn't go of course because he was on the 24 hour red. Since he was new. After breakfast we came back up took our vitals which involves blood pressure check, body temp and heart rate. Nothing much happened after that. Just the same old stuff, staying in the unit, having group therapy with Ms.Molly. They don't provide individual therapy there, which kinda sucks because you can't really talk to anyone there in private. After dinner and the 8 o'clock hygiene, the new kid was standing in the far back window of the unit looking out, i walked over to him to greet myself, but when i walked over there he was in tears. I knew he was trying to hide it, but you know when someone is crying, you can just look into their eyes and see the hurt. I introduced my self and so did he, he said his name was Jacob. I asked him why he was so upset, he explained to me that he missed his family. I took him away from the window and told him he doesn't need to be alone right now, and i took him to the table i sit at every morning. Me and him started talking about why we were here and he told me stories about him self and how he was actually in the school band and one of those geeks, which if you look at him, he doesn't even look like he would be. he was well built. After about 30 minutes of me and him talking, Kamryn came over. I introduced Him to kamryn and we all started talking. I knew Kamryn was flirting with him because of the way she was talking to him and stuff, which is kinda weird stating the fact she literally just met him, but hey, that is her business. After a while of talking Jacob had to go to sleep due to the fact that he was on the 24 hour red. After a while I went to sleep, not to the fact that it was time but due to the fact that i just needed some alone time before my roommate came into the room, you don't get much privacy here. You always have to be around someone. I went and sat on my bed and i wrote in my journal. After that i just laid down and went to sleep.

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