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Her white dress swayed inches from the ground. Long blonde hair pulled into a bun. Sweaty palm clutched four carrots. The sun's heat beat down on Gwen Jordan as she walked past the pigs and hogs, wrinkling her nose at the foul smell. Gwen smiled at the brown chickens roaming in their coop.
The Rooster strutting around and crowing every once in awhile, pecking the brown earth. Her hand ran across the chicken wire until the end, falling as Gwen walked towards her family's barn, only a few feet away. The barn was narrow with unpainted gray wood holding up a simple tngle wood roof. Light flooded inside from the open doorway. Inside, stacks of hay against the left wall, inches from that horseshoes, buckets and other tools to help care for the animals. On the right, four horses waited, boxed in with wooden beams with a loft above them near the back.
"Who wants a treat?" Gwen asked them, rubbing the soft forehead of the horses. Taking her hand away Gwen held out one of the carrots, "Here you go, Ginger, always my good girl" Ginger took it by the tip, eagerly nibbling. Gwen moved on to the oldest, Archer, a black Clydesdale with white hair falling around his hooves and a white strip on his nose. Last the brothers, both gray Dales Ponies.

"Gwen." The silky voice of her best friend Damon Salvatore captured Gwen's attention.

She looked sideways to find his lean toned frame standing near the ladder of the loft. He wore a simple black vest over his white collared shirt. His dark brown curls are a nice contrast to his olive skin with his bangs combed to the side. Damon's captivating blue eyes shone with mischief, eyes that almost looked silver with the hints of grey.

Gwen remembered their first meeting, when she caught three-year-old Damon wrestling with one of the families pigs. Gwen, being two and a curious person, decided to interrogate the boy.
His face caked with mud, Damon simply said, "It's fun." Tired of boring needlework, Gwen decided to join him. They have been best friends ever since. Becoming the town's trouble makers, much to her mother's grief.

Gwen followed Damon up the ladder to the loft. Both sat on the edge, letting their feet dangle.

"She is at it again," Gwen announced. Damon didn't even need to ask, he already had to endure her complaints about her mother many times before. "You must become a women, find someone and do your duty for the family." Gwen, imitated her mother's voice. "Mother wants me to become just like her, married young and stuck here in this little town. She can have little Beth for that."

Damon tugged at a loose blonde strand "I will just have to steal you away." His lips parted revealing his perfect white teeth "Then we can see the world."

Her heart fluttered at the thought, but it never came to pass. The next year came with his mother's passing. Gwen did her best to help, sticking by his side even as he tried to drink the pain away. Years kept passing by, and slowly Gwen started to realize something. She was falling for Damon Salvatore.

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