paintings of the past

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Gwen lightly traces the jagged scar on her stomach to her right hip

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Gwen lightly traces the jagged scar on her stomach to her right hip. Feeling bumps Here and there from the twisted flesh. Micheal apologized for the scar.

The damage was just too great to heal smoothly. It took awhile, but now it serves as a reminder of what Gwen can gain back.

Bringing her eyes up Gwen spots Stefan's reflection staring at her scar. His hand tightly holding a backpack strap.

Grabbing a blue shirt Gwen throws it on, turning around "Attending school?" 

He nods without giving a reason why and turns to leave. Her mind quickly forms a logical answer, Elena

"Stefan," he stops, fixing her with a questioning gaze "Do you love and respect Elena?" Gwen doesn't  let Stefan answer "Enough to let her go and even leave this town if that's what she decides she wants?" 

"Yes," His eyes shine with resolve and pain "But first I'm going to help you get your family back," he smiles "Got some catching up to do with Henry, he is going be amazed at all the new technology."

"Oh god he is going to be stuck in a room for a month trying to figure out how cell phones and other things work." 

"Don't forget also surrounded by history books," Stefan adds. 

The mental picture of her brother trying to learn everything . Earns a tiny laugh from both. Fading off into a brief moment of silence. 

"Gwen I'm glad you're alive." 

"Thanks, I'm glad you are alive too  and  sorry for keeping it a secret." 

Stefan shrugs "Nothing to be sorry about, I better go," he gets a couple steps into the hallway before turning back "By the way Damon is annoying some friend of yours downstairs right now."

Trent, grabbing her large purse that holds extra clothes and phone Gwen storms out. Finding Damon blocking Trent from entering the house. Both exchanging words with passive aggressive tones.

Trent eyes land on Gwen and light up. Damon steps aside turning his body towards Stefan and Gwen. Eyes unable to look away from her. 

While Trent asks "Ready?" 

"Isn't it a little early for sight seeing," Damon comments taking a gulp of his drink. 

Gwen glares  "Isn't a little early to be an ass." 

Damon smirks "Fisty." 

Stefan clears his throat. Capturing Gwen's attention.

She introduces them "Trent this is Stefan. Stefan this is Trent," Her eyes narrow at Damon "A good friend," Damon's eyes roll as Gwen steps outside "Come on let's go." 

Trent follows silently behind Gwen. They climb into his red truck. Gwen gives him instructions and it isn't long before they find a spot in the woods. To squeeze the truck through. After a few feet Trent parks. Their lips stay sealed as Gwen leads Trent towards the Lockwood well.

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