The Aftermath

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Gwen stares at a old white lodge. Looking haunting and uninviting in the night. Nature reclaiming it inch by inch. Starting with the front four pillars. Leaning against a tree she breaths in deep. Random gust of chilly wind gliding across her skin. Silently Gwen waits for Damon and Bonnie to show. Trying not remember Trent's body next to Jules, the werewolf and a male vampire with brown hair. All unmoving on the ground, empty eyes wide open.

Gwen moves from the tree as they appears before her. Bonnie quickly moves out of Dons hold As if he was infected wit a contiguous disease.

"Where are we?" Gwen asks.

Bonnie answers, " Where the witches who gave me more power were burnt"

No wonder why it feels so cold,Another guts of wind hits her. Unconsciously Gwen hand finds her necklace. Fingers grazing it, reassuring her mind it's there.

"You okay?" Damon questions her.

With nod Gwen lets her hand fall, feet heading for the old white lodge. Damon a steady presence behind her. Bonnie While Bonnie stays at Gwen's side as they step inside. Eyes falling on Elena unmoving on a sofa. The only furniture besides a table. In the medium-sized empty square room. Stefan kneeling beside Elena looks up. Quickly he gets up eyes widening at Gwen's torn shirt, the dried blood on her skin and hands.

"What happened?" Stefan asks.

Gwen shrugs, "Just a minor cut"

"Elijah didn't kill Klaus. He took off with him before I could," Bonnie informs Stefan.

Damon is quick to add, "Told you we couldn't trust him."

Ignoring Stefan's curse of anger Gwen hands her necklace to Damon. Then walks to Elena and kneels. Taking out a small pocket knife from her pant pocket. Gwen makes a small cut to her thumb. Quickly creating drawing a bloody pentagram on Elena's palm. Then, with another cut, drawing a bloody pentagram on her own palm. Ignoring the chilling breeze surrounding them. Gwen grasps Elena's hand. Their bloody pentagrams touching. Chanting Latin in a hushed tone, eyes closed. Gwen calls to Elena loudly in her mind. Not fighting the heat from within leaving, her magic. Rushing into Elena as their hands dimly glow.

White veins grow on Elena's chest starting from her heart. While black ones claim Gwen's chest. The glow getting stronger second by second. As fatigue washes over Gwen. The cold now settling deep in her bones. The glow flares into a bright intense light and quickly disappears. Elena releases a breath, eyes slowly open. Elena shifts her gaze to Gwen. Squeezing Gwen's hand she thanks her. They share a smile as Stefan rushes over, relief all over his face. Stefan pulls Elena into a tight hug. Fighting the blackness threatening her vision. Gwen releases Elena's hand, stands and steps back. Giving Elena and Stefan space.

Only for Bonnie to pull her into a hug, whispering "Thank you."

"No problem," Gwen answers.

Smiling Bonnie joins Stefan and Elena. Damon appears by Gwen's side. If she had looked in in that second. She would find him looking upon her face with amazement. Instead she finds his guarded eyes, "I'm sorry for doubting you," he apologizes.

"I might forgive you," Gwen states.

Fighting the urge to smile for only a moment. Before giving Damon a huge grin. One that he quickly returns. Within seconds Gwen can no longer fight. Her vision fading to black, eye lids falling closed. Last thing she sees is Damon worried face.

Gwen wakes to faint agurging voices. Sunlight streaming in through a window. Groaning she opens her eyes. Finding herself in her room. Pushing off the bed Gwen follows the voices. Her soar tired body ending up on the stairs leading to the basement cellar. Where she finds Stefan locking the heavy cellar door.

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