The ritual

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Gwen slides down to her knees, vision a blur. Her cellphone rings bringing adrenaline rushing into her limps. Quickly she crawls to the nightstand. Picking her phone up with shaking hands.

Please be Trent, give me one more chance to change his mind.

Gwen speaks her hope into the phone, "Trent."

Instead Stefan's confused voice answers back, "No, hey Klaus took Elena," Gwen stays silent. Her mind too far way to care, "We are getting ready at the old witches house. Considering you are part of this plan. Think you should come too," Gwen squeezes her eyes shut, unsuccessfully holding back a sob, "Gwen, what is going? Are you alright?"

No, I'm far from alright, before Gwen can speak the door swings open. Revealing Alaric and Jenna's confused faces. A chair flipped on its back behind them. Her phone falls from her hand. Ignoring all the voices question her. Gwen bolts, feet racing past rooms, down the stairs. Just as her hand reaches for the front doors knob, Damon opens it. Both of them freeze, eyes locked on the other.  Her eyes pleads with his to move, Please don't fight me on saving a friend.

"Gwen," Damon breaks the thick silence.

"Move," She demands, voice still shaky.

Both ignore Alaric and Jenna. Who now stand on the staircase case. Damon shakes his head no. With a growl Gwen marches up to Damon. Her hand flying across his right cheek, voice more stern, "Dammit Damon get out of my way!"

With growls of his own and fangs exposed. Damon hands latch onto her shoulders. Slamming Gwen against the entry wall, "I will not stand aside so you can walk out this house and have your heart ripped out of your body!"

"And I will not let you stop me from saving Trent!" Gwen shouts back higher.

Damons eyes widen in surprise. Quickly masking it and not moving. Both are unwilling to give in. Their words slowly slinking into their brains. Damon's fangs disappear as he sighs.

"Do you have a plan that doesn't involve your life for his?" Damon questions. Gwen stays silent, eyes glaring, "Then no I'm not letting you leave. We can figure out a plan together."

Gwen shallows back her biting remark. That Damon's planning is why her friend is walking to his death. Mind set on one path Gwen slams her boot covered foot into Damon's knee. Again and again, until he drops to the floor. The crack of his bones breaking mixing with his cry of pain.

Bending down Gwen whispers in his ear, "I will not and can not lose more people I care about."

Hands cupping his cheeks Gwen curses Damon. Pouring her will for his healing to slow down into it. Alaric forces Gwen to release Damon.

"Hey whatever you are planning it always better to do try something as a group then on your own," Alaric reasons.

Shaming her head Gwen shoves him off. Briefly looking over Jenna's wide eyes. Just as she turns to run, Damon grabs Gwen's leg in a tight grip. With a hard kick to his nose Damon lets go.

"I'm sorry," Gwen whispers as she darts out the door. Into a dark forbidding night. Stars shine above Gwen as her heart pounds. Lungs sucking in the cool air, feet carrying her forward. Despite Gwen having no idea where to go. Her need to save Trent propelling her onwards. Mind getting swepted in a fond memory.

A brown ball flys past three stacked bottles. Missing it's target by just a inch. Gwen laughs at Trent's scowling face.

"Let's see if you can do better," Trent taunts hand holding out the last ball.

Accepting his challenge Gwen takes the ball, "Okay"

Taking aim Gwen tosses the ball. Within seconds Trent releases a defeated sigh. As the top bottle fall off the stack. After picking out a tiny bear. Gwen turns to Trent face in a pout.

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