Moonstone Hunt

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As the sun raises Gwen races down the stairs only to stop inches from the door by Damon "And where are you going?"

She answers honestly "Back to my family's farm."


"The journals tracking spell led to the farm but past the fence," Gwen shrugs "wanted to check it out."

"Let's go then."

"Sorry I think you misheard, there is no us." She points to Damon then herself "just me."

"sure go waltzing right back where another attacker could be waiting," Damon walks closer placing his hands on Gwen's shoulders "Just think of me as backup." his eyes squint "Please Gwen, you will save me from boredom."

With a roll of her eyes Gwen caves "Fine."

They arrive at her old home in comfortable silence. Both enjoying the warm air as we while stepping past the broken backyard fence. Past lush trees, plants and wildlife.

"Well this is disappointing," Damon commits sarcastically.

Gwen smiles "You're face probably scared all the evil monsters away."

"Here is a idea, you do some witch stuff near a pot while dancing around it naked," Damon winks.

"No thanks," Gwen slaps his arm "Pervert," A gust of wind ruffles her hair "Though you are free to let everything hang out. Bet it would stop anyone from attacking," No response, Gwen turns to the side finding no one "Damon," Her eyes look around frantically "Damon! Where are you " Gwen halts "This isn't funny! Dam-"

"Boo," Damon whispers in her ear.

Gwen jumps in surprise and turns around to find a cocky smile on his face.

"Jerk," Matching it with her own cocky smile. Hand smacking onto his chest. Sending a wave of power at him, Damon falls on his ass "Remember Pay back is.."

In a blink of an eye Damon sweeps his leg under Gwen's. Knocking her to the ground.

Damon grins above her, taunting "What was that?"

Ignoring the question gets Gwen up. His grin sparks her reckless side. Gwen presses her body into his. Damon's grin falls. As Gwen touches her nose to the tip of his, biting my lower lip. Watching Damon's expression turn to confusion. While his own heart beats a little faster.

Gwen leans in, her breath creasing his ear "Catch me."

Gwen turns quickly taking off. Swept back to the past when Damon and her would get lost in silly games. Always trying to out do each other and forget the world. Her laughter is loud and unrestrained for all to hear.

Damon stands there watching Gwen disappear into the woods. A little shocked by her boldness. Her laughter calls to him like a undeniable enchantress. Chuckling Damon takes off after the blonde.

Damon pops out from a tree wrapping a arm around her waist "Gotcha"

Gently pushing her back against the tree. While using the other hand to lean on the tree. It's the look of affection in those ice blue eyes.

That makes Gwen catch her breath but not from excitement. Something she can't place claws at her heart. While a memory of him leaning in close face inches from Gwen's.

Pulse racing as he runs a thumb across her cheek. only for him to wish Gwen goodnight. Plays across her mind. Leaving Gwen realizing Damon's rejection is still a deep scar.
Uncomfortable Gwen pushes off the tree putting distance between them.

"Guess we better head back since this was a bust."

Her heel hits a rock sending Gwen backwards through vines. Damon, thanks to vampire speed, catches Gwen. Before her head can hit the ground.

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