A New Start

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While Stefan heads for a chat with Klaus. Gwen and Alaric races through town. Looking in every building for Damon. Splitting ways as night slowly erases the day. Stars shinning bright overhead. As a idea rubs through Gwen's brain.

Maybe, just maybe he wants to say goodbye one last time.

Gwen races past stone grave makers. Silently praying to be right. Coming to halt before her family's graves. Eyes watching Damon bent over her grave stone. Taken back by the disappear and pain on his face. Carefully Gwen steps closer.

Calling out to him softly, "Damon."

Talk to me.

His gaze shifts to Gwen. Eyes filling with more pain. As if a someone was cutting into him, again and again.

"I broke my promise," He whispers, "I failed to keep you safe," His eyes fall to the ground, "Failed to save Katherine tonight. Have you cursed me from beyond the grave?"

Save Katherine tonight...I don't get it. Wait, he could be hallucinating.

"Damon whatever you are seeing isn't real," Gwen steps closer.

Leaving a inch gab between them. As Damon lifts his eyes. Looking at Gwen as is she was really there.

"Please, if you have some power after death, take me away," He thinks I'm a ghost, Gwen realizes as Damon closes the gap. His gave almost touching her, "I don't want to live forever without you, Gwen."

Gwen's lips part in surprise,is this really what happened the night he died, before he become a vampire?

Closing her mouth, head tilting and gaze soft. Gwen raises her hand cupping Damon's cheek. Ignoring his cold clammy skin as her thumb runs across it. Damon closes his eyes leaning into her touch. His own hand raising to rest on hers.

"I'm not a ghost," Gwen informs him, "I'm real and not going anywhere. You got bit ten by a werewolf, but you are not dying," Because I can't keep living without you, leaning in Gwen whispers into his ear, "Come back Damon, come back to me."

Gwen pulls her face back as Damon's eyes open. Looking at Gwen with clarity. Fighting not to show his pain, "Hey."

"You done seeing things?" Gwen ask, dropping her hand.

Damon snort, "At the moment it seems. You know this graveyard could be a great spot for a picnic."

Laughing Gwen smacks Damon's arm, "Come on."

Damon takes one steps before collapsing. Eyes rolling into the back of his head. Body too weak to keep him up. Watching over him Gwen calls Alaric. Within seconds Alaric and and Elena arrives. Together they get Damon in Alaric's car worry gnawing on their hearts. While Alaric drivers them to the boarding house.

Gwen silently leans against her car. Enjoying the warming sun next to Elena. Not ready to look upon Damon's dying body. While Alaric gets Damon settled in his bed.

"Never thought I would pity or feel sorry for Damon Salvatore, " Elena breaks thwireless silence.

Feet kicking at small rocks, Gwen changes subjects, "How are you feeling? Sense coming back."

"Like I slept for months upon months," Elena chuckles, "Could probably run a bunch of matherthans right now," Elena hand on her shoulder causes Gwen to look up, "Thank you."

"No problem....just don't go dying anytime soon," Gwen smiles, "I might be annoyed enough to leave you be this time."

Elena grins, "I will try," grinning dropping she switches back to serious, "Thank you for helping my Aunt Jenna not become a sacrifice."

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