Rough Day

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Gwen Jordan closes the don't door behind her. Stepping onto the Gilbert porch heart feeling less heavy. Eyes watching the sunrise. For a moment painting the sky in gorgeous yellows and oranges. So caught up Gwen fails to notice Stefan appearing by her side. Until he speaks, voice soft but genuine, "I'm sorry."

Gwen gaze switches to Stefan. Finding sincere remorse in his forest green eyes. Immediately quenching her raising anger and hurt. Reqinzing Stefan is just trying to protect everyone. Even more stressful when secrets are being kept.

"I didn't stop to think how the hope you will get your family back is what kept you going for all these years," Stefan steps closer, "It was wrong of me to call you selfish. When all I'm worrying about is Elena."

"She's your girlfriend."

"And she isn't the only one with stuff to deal with. You are important too Gwen."

"Guess I can forgive you," Smirking Gwen sits on the wicker bench, "If you get me a bag of peanut m&ms."

Chuckling Stefan joins Gwen, "Deal," His tone returns to serious "Elena is Katherine's doppelganger."

Well their Roles got reversed. Doppelgangers are the ones that go around causing chaos.

"As for being related, It's through one of Katherine's relatives. Honestly that's all we know."

"I believe you."

They fall into silence that Stefan quickly breaks, "I forced Damon to turn," Gwen's eyes full with surprise, "Brought a girl to him. Bit her neck so that it would bleed and practically shoved her onto Damon. So that he would complete the transition."

"Is there a reason you are telling me this?"

Stefan nods, "Because I don't want to hide anything from you anymore, even my mistakes."

"I used to practice on other witches or humans. While they were tied to something," For a moment Gwen is unable to shut out their agonizing screams, "All no good people that Michael gathered up. Told myself the world would be better without them, but they still haunt my dream."

Stefan takes Gwen's hand in his, gently holding it. Smiling Gwen leans into Stefan. Who lays his free arm over her shoulders. They stay like that for a hour, giving comfort without words. Lifting each others burdens. Siblings in every way but blood.

Forgot how much I rely on Stefan when things get too heavy.

"You really are a great brother," Gwen admits "Mistakes and all."

"Thanks, you are the best sister a guy could have."

Both can't stop their large smiles. After a few more minutes, Stefan leaves. Gwen heads back inside to find Elena awake in bed. Gwen crawls between her and Bonnie. Elena rolls over to face her.

Whispering, "Hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah," Gwen whispers back. A random question popping up in her head, "Do you ever think of your real mom?"

Clearing her throat and eyes slowly blinking, she answers, "Yes, despite barely knowing her, it wasn't easy watching her burn. Can't help but wonder if she cared even a little bit for me. If she had any humanity left."

"Did she at least say who your biological father is?"

"His name is John and currently in town. I'm sure you will meet him soon."

"It's kind of crazy how you a doppelganger, aka supernatural creature. Got adopted by a family that hunted down supernatural creatures in this town."

Before Elena can answer a high pitched voice interrupts, "That is crazy."

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