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"Maybe this is a mistake," Gwen expresses twisting the bottom of her shirt. Rethinking over her rash decision. All while sitting on the edge of Trent's motel bed, waiting for Elijah to show. 

Trent stops pacing "No its a smart decision." 

Gwen recalls Damon's words of doubt "You wouldn't be saying that because you are working against me."

"I would never work against you. If things start to turn bad with Elijah.I will help you find away out. No matter what we are in this together now" 

His words calm her nerves just a little.  A knock at the door sends Gwen to her feet. Trent  answers the door. Elijah stands next to a elderly women.

Who has a tote over her shoulder. Her copper wrinkly hands tightly grasping his. Her long grey hair is held in a braid. 

"Please come in," Elijah steps inside without a word. Trent holds out a hand "Hello, name is Trent Williams" 

Elijah shakes his hand "Pleasure and this is Edith" 

Gwen steps forward "It is nice to meet you, I'm Gwen." 

"To business then," Elijah commands while gently guiding Edith on to the bed "Gwen if you would be so kind and join Edith." 

"Before that I want to know your plan and what exactly you are going to be asking of me," Gwen Demands, Honestly he was vague when we first met. Just a simple you need something I need something, best to work together. 

"Simple help keep Elena out of trouble and alive. Inform me where she is. When the time is right I need her to bait my brother Klaus." 

Gwen is floored, great they are related "Wait if he is your brother why do you need to bait him?" 

"because I want to kill him," her mouth drops, mind utterly confused, Elijah smirks "Family issues you could say. Now please sit next to Edith" regaining composure Gwen dose as he asked "Thank you," he sits down in a chair "Now Edith dear I do believe it's your turn" 

With a nod she digs into her tote. Bring out a miniature bottle full of purple liquid. Voice raspy she turns to Gwen instructing her,  "Take two sips and relax." 

"What will it do?" 

"it brings forth memories that have been locked away by your self-conscious, by your choice or someone else" 

"Half the bottle will break any compulsion," Elijah informs Gwen "Which will be yours after we take care of my brother." 

Edith press the bottle into Gwen's hands. For a moment she thinks of downing it all, Yeah if you want him to kill you plus Trent.

Idea ruined Gwen brings it to her lips and takes two sips. Almost gagging at the thick salty liquid.

Relaxed she let's Edith take the bottle back. First her fingers go numb followed by her whole body, right down to her toes. Everything blurs as Gwen falls back. Falling and falling for what feels like an eternity. 

Then out of no where it stops her feet firmly planted on ground. Looking around she takes in flowers, statues and benches. Walking along a red brick path Gwen spots three beautifully carved horses.

Water shooting up around them as they play for eternity, the Norwood fountain. Her parents closet friends, I'm in their garden. Muffled whispers pull Gwen towards a near by large. 

"Miss?" The hushed whispers stop at the rich velvet voice. Gwen spins around finding it's owner. A tall man with dark skin, bald head and rich brown eyes. Staring right at the bush "Little miss, please come out," Blonde curls pile on top a small head push through the bush. Followed by a tiny body and feet in black boots. Gwen watches her four year old self brush leaves off her white dress "Do you have a friend hiding?" 

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