Time to take her down

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Gwen can remember every detail about her father. From his gentle green eyes. A red beard they loved to tug on. His deep laugh and voice that brought comfort. To the freckles that decorated his face. Kissed by angels her mother would say.

She remembers spending nights curled up crying. Emotions swaying everywhere over what he did. Once more drowning on the inside. Until Micheal traded kind words for harsh reality.

"Stop sniveling and become numb. That's how you get your family back."

So Gwen did, Michael filled a void from her families death. Him and the others who formed their little group. From family members to other witches and Necromancers he trained. Micheal become a second father figure.

So when Gwen found him in bed dying by some disease. Asking in a voice raspy "please child, kiss of mercy"

Tears falling Gwen pressed her lips to Michael's forehead. Bursting all his organs with a touch, killing him immediately.

Gwen mourned Michael a day then did as he taught her, become numb. Well best as one could get. She never got that close with George. Despite him reminding her of Micheal. Only reason she had agreed to team up with him. After many years of being alone. Denying every offer for a new teacher, guide and partner.

Therefore news of his death didn't bug Gwen. No Its the note he wrote that bothers her. Gwen rereads it multiple times. Ingraining the words in her mind.

Dear Gwen,

I have successfully found someone who knows a witch still knowable in old magic. He is name is Elijah and agreed to help on one condition, we help him first. Stay in Mystic Falls we will find you when it's time.

You're loyal friend, George Williams

Gwen gets up, pushing uneasy down and leaving the letter on her bed. Dress and race downstairs. Where Damon and Stefan stand near Caroline. Who sits on the couch looking unwell. While Damon paces and talks.

"She's running scared. What she did to Jenna was desperate. She's out of tricks."

Anger and hate mix into one thought, Gwen announces her presence "It's time we take Katherine out," All eyes land on her "Better to strike first."

Damon agrees "Gwen is right. I'm going to the masquerade and drive a stake through her black heart."

"You mean we."

"I work better alone."

Stefan cuts them both off "You're not gonna kill her. either of you."

Damon scowls "Don't give me that goody-goody crap."

Gwen releases a heavy breath "You got to be kidding," She storms up to Stefan "I didn't spend bitter years learning to accept I missed out on revenge just to be denied again."

"You're not gonna kill her because we will together."

"And how will you three mange that?" Caroline's question sends them into a frenzy of planning.

Within hours Alaric shows up with a duffel bag full of weapons. He empties it on to the coffee table lecturing on how to use each one. A mix of excitement and determination spreads through Gwen.

This time Katherine couldn't escape her fate. Tonight she is going to get payback. Gwen's beeping phone breaks her thoughts, it's a text from Trent.

How are you doing?


Can we hang out? If your not busy.

Tragic Souls(Damon Salvatore) Where stories live. Discover now