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Note about the song. I picture it playing towards the end.

Elena, her brother, Bonnie and Caroline they are just people Gwen barely knows

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Elena, her brother, Bonnie and Caroline they are just people Gwen barely knows. People she plans on saying goodbye to.

They didn't hold even a sliver of my heart, right?

So why was the idea of working with Elijah so hard to accept? Because it most likely means working against  Damon and Stefan. 

And that truth is where her hesitation begins. Exhausted from feeling utterly confused Gwen falls to her side. Closing her eyes and falling into dreams of family. Two hours later Gwen wakes  to a text from Stefan. 

Meet me downstairs we need to talk. 

Rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Gwen sits up catching a flash of silver, her necklace. Gwen stares at it trying to recall how it got there. For a second she remembers pressure on her lips. Before it's swept away.

Into a heavy fog that Gwen can't break through. Frustrated she gives up, puts the necklace on and heads downstairs. Where Stefan waits by the parlors fireplace. 

"What's going on?" She asks. 

"Tell you after Elena gets here," Gwen leans against the couch as Stefan jumps into a question "Been meaning to ask. Did you come visit Zach often?" 

"No," she gazes out the window "Used to sit next to my family's grave and watch the sunset. Last time was fifteen years ago."

"Why stop?" 

"Decided it held me back." 

More like convinced by Michael. Gwen shrugs just as Elena walks in, Damon following behind her. 

"What is this about?" She asks eyeing us both. 

Before Stefan can answer they are joined by a tall female. Who's chin length red hair flares at the end. 

Lost Gwen asks "who is that?" 

Stefan answers "Her name is Rose." 

At the same time Elena answers "She kidnapped me," Elena answers resentment clear in her voice. Then turns to Stefan "Why is she here?" 

Rose speaks up silencing everyone "I wish to help," Gwen and Elena both narrow their eyes "I have been running for years, I'm tired of it and Elijah killed my friend," Rose steps into the living room "Look I only know what I've picked up over the years. Who knows if its true or not but Klaus, I know he's real," Her eyes scan all of them "Elijah was the Easter bunny compared to Klaus."

"Still don't understand who Klaus is," Gwen commits slightly scared. 

After all, Elijah was pretty damn scary when we first met. 

Damon breaks his silence "He's one of the originals, the first generation of vampires."

"Like Elijah?" Elena asks. 

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