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uddy water splashes upwards. Scattering across the bottom of Gwen’s  white dress. She watches her five year old self stand in the mud puddle laughing. While six year old Damon jumps from one puddle to the next.

His laughter mixing with Gwen’s. Water from the morning rain, still on plants and wood. The foul smell of pigs and hogs washed away. Replaced with a fresh earthy one.

This isn't a forgotten memory.

Ignoring her confusion Gwen follows her younger self and Damon. Who keep jumping in puddles until they reach the backyard  fence.

A mix of mud and brown water decorate her white dress and his shirt. A few specks on their  face and hands. They step onto the bottom fence beam. Arms across the top, elbows touching.

Eyes looking into the vast forest "You think the stories Are true?" Damon ask.

"According to mother," Gwen drops her chin onto her hands "She told me only brave adults can enter."

Damon releases a huff "I'm brave."

"But you're a child and the monsters like to eat children."

"It's all a fib, adults just want to ruin fun."

Gwen’s child voice is soft "Maybe," Damon quickly swings his legs over. Her head whips up as he stands on the other side "Damon! Get back, it's not safe."

"Stop being a baby, there is nothing around but trees," She stares at him unconvinced "We won't go far or be long," He unhooks his small hunting knife. A short but thick blade "I'll keep you safe."


Damon shifts his weight "Promise, now climb over."

Gwen stares into his ice blue eyes. Finding nothing but sincerity at that moment. Her still growing  mind couldn't find a reason to doubt him. Leading Gwen to swing a leg over. Damon steps closer ready to help if needed.

Gwen gets her  other leg over when a high pitched voice freezes her  "Gwenivie May Jordan, you put your feet back inside the fence this intense."

Without a word that's what Gwen and Damon, plant their feet back on the Jordan's farm land. Innocent child eyes watching her mother's approach. This time in a floral printed dress with no collar. Hazel eyes just as stern as always and zeroed in on young Gwen.

Flickering for one second to Damon "Go home Mr Salvatore and I will keep this incident between us."

Damon eyes flicker to Gwen, a question in them. Taking his hand in hers Gwen squeezes it. Sending her  a smile Damon releases her hand and runs off. Gwen’s young head drips haze falling to the ground.

Mother slides two fingers under her chin forcing it up "Must I remind you there are monsters that eat children in those woods."

Gwen tunes  her mother’s  lecture out. Eyes falling on a tiny bronze key. Her tiny hands grab it "What is this for?"

"Not your concern," Her fingers leave  chin. Grabbing the key from Gwen. Tucking it into her corset "Tomorrow you will play with little girls not that boy," Her eyes look over Gwen's dirty dress with disapproval "Come, you need a wash."

Tragic Souls(Damon Salvatore) Where stories live. Discover now