You are a memory

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Again images assault Gwen, threatening to knock her over. Each new one a hard pull on her body.

"Stop!" Gwen shouts eyes glued ahead. Trying to catch her breath and thoughts. Staring at a frozen memory. Of another dying victim, "Why have him show me this?"

Colton serious mask cracks. Giving way to eyes filling with pity, "For you to understand. The crystal only gives life to those already living, at the cost of another's life."

"Liar," Her voice weavers, "It is just a lie, just a lie," An argument more for herself than Colton. Gwen whips around to Sam, "How do you even have access to events you were not present for?"

"My magic created it. Giving me an eternal access to the lives it takes. Even moments when one tries to use it to restore life, but fails," His eyes look beyond what Gwen can see, "I and its victims will never know peace. Doomed to watch it take life after life. Me filled with regret, them an anger and a desire to make our family pay for their ending."

No, it's just an object, a channel for magic. With my will controlling it, I can bring them back

Yet Gwen can't ignore those leaned over bodies. Crying and cursing for all to hear, A ache blooms in her heart. Growing stronger every minute. Digging its way into her soul. Gwen sees her family again. Eyes empty, holes in their neck and her father's skin melting away like butter. Never to smile again. As her mind starts to accept the new reality.

They are gone, I was never going to get them back.

"No," Gwen feels the ache leaving. Pain from deep in her soul taking its place. As if hoping to be rid of the pain. Gwen shakes her head, "No no no."

"Take us back Sam," Colton demands.

In an instant, the wear house is back. Along with the circle of backs surrounding them. Natasha tosses Gwen's necklace. Her mind far away. Gwen fumbles to catch it. Stepping closer Colton lays a hand on Gwen's shoulder. Giving a small squeeze and smile, "I'm sorry you wasted so much time on a false hope."

Scowling Gwen slaps his hand away. A wicked fire burning inside the pain, deep within her soul. Calling to curse Colton even way possible. A gentle voice echoes in Gwen's mind.

Don't give into anger.

Her mother's voice cools Gwen's anger. Leaving her in nothing but pain. Unable to stand under Colton's soft gaze, Gwen bolts. Barely aware of his command, that allows her to pass through the circle of bodies. Heart pounding so vigorously. It could leap put of Gwen's chest. Salty rivers flowing down her cheeks. Turning the world to a blur. Tightly clutching her necklace. As if it is an anchor to sanity. Gwen runs without a destination in mind. Instead of running from what's inside her. Growing stronger every minute. Unrelenting consuming Gwen. Stealing her breath away. All while a sweet and tortures movie plays in her mind.

Baby Elizabeth's giddy laugh. As Henry makes silly faces. Her mother softly singing a lullaby. Chasing all their childish fears. Her father always willing to listen. Each memory digging into Gwen's soul, pain claiming every inch. Tripping over a branch. Gwen slams into a thick tree.

Gwen digs her fingers into the rough glued ahead to a dirt road. Michael's voice fills her head.

Easier to reach the dead where they died.

Pushing herself off the tree. Gwen races towards what was once a safe heaven. Now a decaying mass of wood. Still, as her half-burnt house comes into view. Gwen sees nothing but beauty and warmth. Walking up the stairs, Gwen releases her necklace. Letting it fall onto the steps.

Mind a mess Gwen steps into her living room. Planting herself in the center. Closing her eyes. Gwen calls out for her family, "Please, please tell me it's a lie. That is can still bring you back."

Gwen feels warm breath across her cheek. Followed by her mother's gentle voice, "You have to let us go."

"I can't."

"Every moment you pull us back from moving on. Your father is filled with a need for vengeance. Soon he will become a thirsty soul with only wraith inside."

Opening her eyes, Gwen stares into her mother's stern but caring eyes, "I need you, I need them."

"Oh, my darling," water leaks from her mother's eyes, "Hold on to your happy memories and we will always be with you. You carry us in your heart."

Gut wrenching pain explodes in Gwen's heart. As her mother embraces Gwen, hands rubbing soothing circles on her back.

Her mother gently whispers into Gwen's ear, "Let go, darling, let us have peace," Wave after wave of pain. Crushes Gwen's fragile heart, "We love you, never forget."

"I won't," Gwen promises, voice a shaky mess.

Her mother fades away. With no one to support her. Gwen collapses to her knees. Not bothering to suppress her cries of pain.

Caught in waves after waves of pain. Leaving her numb to arms clutching hers.

Unmoved by Stefan's desperate voice, "Gwen, are you hurt?" Her cries get louder, "Tell me what's wrong."

Each word a cry, Gwen replies, "I....can't get them back."

Sturdy arms pull her out of Stefan's grip. Into a tight hug. Gwen finds herself looking into Damon's eyes. A light endless blue. That calms her shattered soul. Slowly driving away the pain. As she clings to his black shirt. For awhile they stay in their embrace. Both unwilling to release the other. Afraid they might drift away, out of reach. Picking Gwen up bridal style. He silently takes back to their temporary home, the boarding Elena, Caroline and Bonnie questioning gazes. Damon carries Gwen upstairs. Gently sitting her down on his bed. No one follows, giving Gwen space to mourn.

Gently Damon holds her face, "Whatever you were told is probably some lie."

A weak bitter laugh escapes Gwen, "Ghost can't lie, not to Necromancers."

Fresh tears slide from her eyes.

"Hey, you are not gonna give into the pain," Damon commands, " You are stronger than it and you still have us."

"Promise?" Gwen brings her forehead to his, "Promise you won't leave me."

"Promise," Damon vows, not caring if it's out if his control to keep.

Foreheads resting against into each other. Damon and Gwen shut the world out. Drowning in their steady presence. Seeing her heavy eyelids Damon gently lays Gwen down. His intention to leave is stopped by Gwen's hand grabbing his.

"Don't leave," she pleads.

With a nod, Damon gives in. Laying down next to her. Damon takes her hand in his, grip gentle. Both stare at the other. With unwavering attention until their heavy eyelids shut. Allowing blackness to claim their vision.

So this chapter turned out to be shorter than expected

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So this chapter turned out to be shorter than expected. Still, hope the emotions came through. As always would really love to hear what you think.

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