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Years since her families death and with a determined face, Gwen pounds on the front door to the Salvatore boarding house. Minutes drag by, with no answer.

Screw this.

Quickly, Gwen scans for anybody who might be watching. Finding no one, she reaches into her back pocket, pulling out a lock picking tool. In four tries Gwen gets the clicking noise of success and heads inside.

"Zach!" She steps into the parlor, "Hello, is anyone here? I'm going to break something!" Grabbing a lamp, ready to smash it into pieces.

"Wait!" Gwen freezes at the voice, Stefan Salvatore. "Please put that down," Slowly she sets the lamp down, "Why are you looking for Zach?"

"Just forget about it."

Gwen walks four steps before a hand grabs her upper arm, spinning her around. She comes face to face with Stefan Salvatore's wide eyes, green as a forest.

Both take in each other's unchanged facial features. His brown hair now spiked, hers flowing down in waves. Above all the mirror that neither has aged leads both to the same conclusion.

Both blurting out at the same time, "You're a vampire."

Gwen doesn't correct Stefan as he speaks one word.

"Katherine," Hate blooms in her soul at the monster who compelled Gwen's father to murder his family, while she danced away laughing. "She fed us her blood, ended up getting shot trying to rescue her."

"Us?" But Gwen already knew from the moment she saw Stefan "Damon."

He nods, hand still gripping her arm, "Gwen ho-"

"Doesn't matter, not staying in town long."

"You can't just show up alive and leave."

Stefan is focused on getting answers, resulting in him failing to notice her arm slipping free of his grasp.

"Watch me."

Hurt flashes in his eyes as Gwen steps back. At one point in life, she was drowning in pain and anger. Gwen lost a brother, while Stefan lost a best friend. Without Stefan, Gwen would have been left in her pain, alone. With a sigh, she drops her cold demure and sits on the couch.

Stefan follows her lead as Gwen informs him, "It's a long story."

At that moment Stefan goes rigid.

Her mouth opens, ready to question him, when a smooth voice interrupts behind her, "And what do we have here?"

Stefan looks over her shoulder "Damon, you look pleased."

"But Elena won't be," Gwen clenches her jaw as Damon leans in, his breath tickling her ear, "Who is your lovely guest?"

Damon takes a strand of blonde hair, twisting it around his finger. Her heart used to flutter and swell at his touch, now, Gwen is annoyed.

Gwen pulls away, stands and turns.
Keeping her face passive, "Hi."

Damon's body goes rigid, confusion shining in his blue eyes.

"I'm going to leave now," Gwen states bluntly.

Air is knocked out of her lungs as Damon slams Gwen's back into the wall, his face intense with anger.

"What the hell are you doing!" Stefan shouts while wrestling Damon off, "It's Gwen... Gwen Jordan, your friend."

Damon gets free, "No!" Anger radiating off him in waves, "We buried her body."

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