Chapter 2

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I hold the door open as they file in with their backpacks, each giving me a hug and big grin.

Well, all except for Mr. Blackbourne, who gives me a nod and his rare millimeter smile.

He's the one I'm nervous about. The others I think will go along with my game, maybe with some grumbling from North, but I'm not sure about him.

Meanie throws himself back on the couch with a bounce. "Alright, Trouble. What's the plan?"

I smile as I join him, his arm wrapping around me, and gesture to the array of food on the kitchen island and the coffee table. "I made some food, and we have snacks."

Silas eyeballs the buffet in the kitchen and heads to it. "Ah! You made taco soup!" He grabs a bowl and begins filling it to the brim. "Yummy."

North, Luke and Nathan rush over. Luke leans over the large pot and inhales. "Mmmmm. Just what I was hoping for."

I smile, happy they like what I made.

Kota takes some potato chips from the bowl on the coffee table. "We missed you today, Sang."

My heart flutters with the look he gives me. "I missed you all too. Did, um, everything go well?" I have no idea what their assignments involved, but I think it's okay to ask that.

Mr. Blackbourne loosens his tie and begins to roll up his sleeves. "Yes, Miss Sorenson. We accomplished what we needed." I stare at his forearms as they're revealed. I rarely see him dressed down, or any part of his body exposed. He's so perfect. Even his forearms are perfect. He catches me watching him, and I blush slightly.

Everyone fills their plates or bowls with food and sit in the living room.

"So what do you want to do after we eat?" Victor asks, taking a bite of soup.

I finger the hem of my shorts. "Well, I was thinking we could swim for a bit then watch a movie."

Nathan grins. "I like it."

"Do you have any games or nail painting planned too?" Sean winks. "I heard you all did that last time."

North groans, which makes me grin.

"We could always do nail painting... I did think of a game too..." I pause.

I'm having doubts about it now. They may think it's stupid or not like the idea.

Sean leans forward and raises his brows. "What is it?"

I bite my lip and sigh. "You know, it's just silly and stupid, really. I watched a movie this afternoon and got the idea, which seemed fun, and thought of a prize for the winner. But now that I think about it..." I shake my head.

Mr. Blackbourne furrows his brows. Great. I always sound so foolish around him. What was I thinking anyway? He won't do it.

"Miss Sorenson, why don't you tell us what it is?" It's not a question really. More of a command.

I begrudgingly obey. "A personality swap."

He raises a perfect brow. "What?"

My face turns red. "You would each pick a name from a hat, it can't be your own, and you have to pretend to be that person for the next couple hours. Whoever goes the longest without breaking character, wins."

Sean and Luke start laughing. The others join in except North and Mr. Blackbourne, who simply stare at me.

Mr. Blackbourne clears his throat, no reaction showing on his face. "And the prize for the winner?"

I know I'm beet red. They've most all indicated in various ways they've wanted it before, but no one's made the move, leaving it up to me. Well, here it goes.

"I'll give the winner a kiss. A real one."

All laughing instantly ceases, and the room is dead quiet.

"Well shit," Gabriel mutters. "I'm in."

Presto Change-o-Written by KatyDidWhere stories live. Discover now