Chapter 13

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Nathan's made to keep a pillow on his lap when he joins us. After he sits, I'm allowed to see again. I rub my eyes and look at Nathan whose color is still a bit bright and winks at me.

Sean's been knocked out of the competition for laughing in a very unNorth-like way. I can still hear him snickering.

Once everyone's settled back down, Nathan chooses the next victim. "Victor, truth or dare?"

Silas slightly shrugs. "I guess I'll go for a dare." He puts his large hand in the bowl and takes his dare, reading it to himself first. He blanches. "I recognize your writing." He glares at North who grins.

"You got the good one, didn't you?" North asks.

"What does it say?" Sean asks, his eyes still holding their laughter.

Silas purses his lips, then reads, "Have your bikini line waxed by Gabe."

They lose it.

"Now wait a minute," Silas says, holding his hands up. "What exactly is the bikini line?"

Victor shakes his head, holding back his laughter.

Nathan moves to stand and starts to take off the mandated pillow, gesturing below. "It's right—"

He's cut off by North who proceeds to beat him with another pillow. "I don't need to see your junk again!"

Nathan just laughs and sits back down, grabbing the pillow from North and chucking it back at him.

Gabriel sighs dramatically. "It's the area on your groin that a bikini wouldn't cover. What did you think it was?"

Silas shrugs, his brows are knitted. "I was just hoping it wasn't my balls."

My eyes widen. Victor would never say... "balls," at least not around me. Poor Silas, he's out. I look around so see if anyone's going say something but Owen just claps his hands. "Well, let's get the show on the road!"

Gabriel jumps up and runs to Nathan's bathroom after grinning at Owen.

Kota turns to Luke. "Why do you have stuff for waxing anyway? Are you a girly man?"

Nathan stiffens across from me and glares at Kota for a moment.

Luke glares at him too. "Look, man, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do."

Kota raises a brow. "You know we'll still accept you no matter what. You can come out."

He's promptly beaned in the head by Nathan's pillow of discretion.

Kota adjusts his glasses, smiling. "What was that for?"

Nathan shrugs. "I thought I saw a spider." He catches the pillow as it's flung back at him.

Gabriel comes back in the room, waxing strips and a towel in hand. "I'm ready!"

Silas doesn't seem to be but acts like he's fine. "What do I do?"

"Take off your pajama bottoms, but leave your underwear on. Trouble, turn around."

I obey and turn as they happily get their victim ready. How did they miss his slip up?

"Okay, you can turn now," North says.

Silas is laying on the floor. He's still wearing his underwear, but a towel is also covering him between the legs. The legs of his boxers have been hiked back to expose the dark hairs to be waxed.

This is going to hurt...

"Princess," his voice sounds strained. "Stay back, just in case."

Gabriel holds a wax strip between his palms and furiously rubs them together.

"What are you doing?" Silas narrows his eyes.

"I have to heat up the wax between the strips so it sticks to the hair and pulls it out cleanly."

Silas runs a hand through his hair and stares at the ceiling.

Gabriel peels the two strips apart and lays one on Silas' groin, firmly rubbing it on. He then pulls his skin taut with his other hand. "This should be a good one."

"Hold on, we need to do a countdown," Owen says. He starts them off with "5" and they all join in, counting down.

I keep my eyes on Silas face. When they get to "1" the room is silent except for the sound of Silas hair being ripped from his body. I wince as his cheeks blow up with air and his eyes cross.

He releases his breath in a rush and repeatedly smacks the floor with his palms.

North beams. "That wasn't so bad, was it?"

Silas presses his lips into a hard line until they disappear and shakes his head. "hmh-hmh."

"Of course it wasn't." Gabriel lays the next strip farther back on his groin. "Girls do this all the ti—" He's suddenly silent as he stares at Silas's groin.

"What? What is it?" He lifts his head off the floor.

"Uh... I think I may be accidentally waxing a bit of your balls too, dude."

Presto Change-o-Written by KatyDidWhere stories live. Discover now