Chapter 8

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Three races later, Nathan's the winner.

He runs his hand through his wet hair and grins down at me in the lounge chair, "It's amazing how much I've improved, Pookie, isn't it?"

I smile. He's so handsome.

"Do I get a prize for winning?"

"How about some apple pie and ice cream?"

Kota rubs his flat belly, drawing my attention. "I could eat. I can always eat. I'm a big, fat Greek pig."

Silas chuckles. "Trying to get a reaction?"

He shrugs.

"Well, you're fortunate to have the body of a god," Silas tells him.

Luke snorts. "That?" He gestures to Kota. "Please."

Nathan intercedes, "Let's change and get pie before you all bring out the ruler and start measuring. We know Nathan would win anyway."

They roll their eyes at him.

I knit my brows. "What are you measuring with a ruler?"

Victor chokes on his drink and coughs.

North bends over, scooping me up. "Come on, Trouble, let's dry your hair and get dressed."

Gabriel's eyes go wide, but doesn't object, although I can see it's killing him. North gives a knowing smile and carries me inside to Nathan's bathroom and sets me on the counter.

He suddenly looks lost.

I grin.

"Oy... so... yeah... let's, uh, dry your hair."

I giggle. "Could I change first?"

He looks at my bikini and smirks. "I like you in that." He steps forward, and my knees automatically move, making room for him between them, my body heating.

I put my palms on the counter behind me to balance. The motion returns his attention to my bikini and what's under it. I see his eyes darken.


He grunts.


He quickly leans over and nips my bare shoulder, sending a shock through me, then leaves. I hear the closet door open as he gets me clothes, mumbling.

He comes back a few moments later with black yoga pants and a pink camisole. I take the offered clothes, noticing he forgot underwear. I can't help the smile. "Gabriel?"


"Um, I should probably have underwear too."

North stares at me for a moment. "Right." He spins out the bathroom again.

He's grinning as he brings back a black, lace thong. "I'll go change too then dry your hair."


He shuts the door behind him, and I shake my head.

He forgot a bra.

I snuck out and got a bra then quickly changed. I'd just put my wet bikini in the the tub when North knocks on the door. "You ready?"

I open it for him.

He's wearing his usual black pajama bottoms and black T-shirt and rubs his hands together, grinning. "Let's do this."

I move to make room for him, and he opens the cabinet, taking out the hair dryer and a brush. I'm surprised he knows where they are.

"Alright, Trouble, you ah... face the mirror."

I obediently face the mirror with him towering behind me. His forehead crinkles as he looks down at my head then the blow dryer. He reaches to the side and plugs it into the wall then turns it on, full blast, and points it at the top of my head...

When the real Gabriel does my hair, I look forward to it. It's relaxing, feels great as he runs the brush through, stroking my hair.

When the pretend Gabriel does it, it's torture.

I grit my teeth as he repeatedly clobbers my head with the heavy brush and burns my ear with the dryer. My god, he has no clue what he's doing. I think I'd kiss Gabriel if he walked in right now and took over. I don't want to hurt North's feelings though, he's really trying, no matter how awkward it is for him. That's one of the reasons I love him. All of them. I think they'd do anything I wanted to make me happy. I'd never take advantage of that though. I love them all too much to even consider it.

The brush knocks on my skull once more, and my hair flies in every direction. I don't know what it'll look like when he's done, I'm just ready for him to be finished.

North turns off the blow dryer, thank god, and frowns at my hair, then nods. "I think it's done."

I stare at my reflection, schooling my reaction.

Gabriel's going to have a conniption.

Presto Change-o-Written by KatyDidWhere stories live. Discover now