Norman Reedus is mine.

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I live in California and I'm tired of my same everyday life. I need to do something whit my life. Just like what WiL Francis says: Get busy livin or get busy dyin.

So I am deciding to have more fun. Do things I enjoy and start living! I'm twenty years old and I'm just going to keep on getting older.

I told my mom about what I'm doing with my life and she isn't so happy but I can do what I want.

Next week I'm going to comic con. I've always wanted to go. I love comics and Psych and Gerard Way goes! But most importantly The Walking Dead cast!!! I've always wanted to meet them. I love all of them but especially Norman Reedus. I've been a fan of his forever. I can't fucking wait!!!

One Week Goes By.....
I'm on my way driving to comic con and I'm 3 hours early before TWD cast goes on and I'm so fucking excited. There is still a lot of people here.

3 hours later...
Oh my god. They are all so perf. I'm going up there to meet them and then finally.. There Norman Reedus. I didn't know what to do. I started crying. Norman says "aw, no need to cry" then I look at him and then he smiles. I tell him "Norman I've been a fan of your acting forever. Oh my gosh >_< I'm... I... I love you..."
Norman says"Awe, I love you too. What's you're name?" He smiles than a little chuckle.
I say "My name it... Uh... Um.. Alon.. Alondra"
Norman: "That's a beautiful name... Hey... You seem.. Cool.. And your totally cute...So do you want my number?" He starts to smile and raises his eyebrow.

I was thinking in my head what was going on. Why was he asking me this!? This is so fucking awesome. I need to calm down. I need to calm down.

"Um.. Hell yeah I would!! But I bet it will be fake but this is so damn cool that you would like to trick me like that."
Norman said "I'm not kidding. Here come with me."

I was so fucking nervous. Why?

He was taking me some where so no one saw us and I was shaking with joy.

"Okay... Alondra give me you're phone."
"Okay" I said. Then I handed him my phone.

I looked over and saw what he was doing. He was going to my contacts, added his name and then called the number.
Then his PHONE RANG! He gave me back my phone and said "see.. I wouldn't lie about this kind of shit."

I didn't even know what to say. I was so fucking happy. This was truly the best day of my life.

I told him "oh my fucking god. This is... Cool! Um... Thanks so fucking much!!!"
He said "no problem I'd like you to call me sometime and we could... Go out" the he winked and said " well, it was cool talking to you but I have to really get back. I hope you call" then he waved and walked back.

I didn't even know how to feel. I was just so happy then, all of a sudden I woke up. I found out that's what I dreamt about while I passed out while meeting Norman Reedus.

Well that was my first chapter for my first fan fiction. Hoped y'all liked it ^,^

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