Chapter 2

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I woke up and I was so fucking pissed. I was so excited to meet him.. I just... I can't believe I passed out.

A nurse waked in and said "well it's time you woke up!"
Then I asked "WHAT!? How long have I been out!?"
She said "well you've been out for about 3 hours. There's a handsome man out waiting for you. He's waited the whole time."

I was thinking who the hell was it? I don't have friends or a boyfriend.

Then the nurse asked if he could come in. I said "sure"

So the nurse walked out and then all of a sudden NORMAN FUCKING REEDUS WALKED IN!!!!
When he came in he said "Hey pretty lady. You've been out awhile... How are you feeling?"

My body was exploding. I can't believe he's here!

I said "Um.. Holy shit... How come you waited for me this whole time?"
Norman went down by my bed and said "I've seen you waited forever to meet the cast and.." He paused for a minute "I felt bad. So I decided to see if you were alright" he smiled and looked up at me.

I didn't know what to say. I was shocked.
"Are you serious?" I said so quite with tears in my eyes. It was so overwhelming and awkward with the nurse watching us.

"Hell yeah I'm serious!" Norman said.

"Well, that is so fucking nice!Thanks" I said to him. I'm so happy I don't kno... All of a sudden I could think anymore. Norman just came at me and. Hugged me.

"I'm so sorry I have to go. I hope you feel better and here I got this for you" he said then pulling out flowers with a card.

I said "Thanks so much Norman!" He laughed then said "no problem!"

After a few minutes I look at the card that came with the flowers. It said "hey I'm sorry you passed you.. Maybe you can call me and we can hang? - Much Love, Norman :)"

I started to flip and then I went to sleep and was excited to leave the hospital and call Norman in the morning.

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