Chapter 9

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Norman's P.O.V
I'm going to have to tell her that I can't stay in California forever, but I want to be with her."hey Alondra.. I gotta tell you somethin.."
"Yeah" she said softly.
I paused for a minute but I didn't know how to say it. So I just said it. "Alondra.. I want to stay with you... I know it's weird but I really like you even though this is our first date." I said then pausing again. "You have to go back to New York again don't you?" Alondra said in a sad soft voice. "Yeah.. I do, but I want you to come with me." I can't believe I just said that. It's true I do want her with me.

Alondra P.O.V
Norm wants me to go to New York with him. Hell yeah I wanted to go. I don't really see a reason why not to. "Do you really want me to go?" I asked. "Yes Alondra. I really do." He said "would you? Please?" He asked. "Yes Norman.. I'd love too" I said then he hugged me. I hugged him back. He looked at me and said "Thanks.. That's great... I love you!" He said with excitement, then hugging me again. "I love you too Norm"

After that conversation we fell back asleep.

I woke up. Looked at the clock. It was exactly 9:00.. Weird. I looked up and I laughed. Norman was in the kitchen cooking eggs.

"Morning sweet heart! Not much in you're fridge, so I just made us some eggs." He said
"Awe... Norman you didn't have too."
"I know... I'm hungry though" he said then laughing.
I laughed too. "I don't have much food... I don't eat much" I said. "I can tell. You are really skinny and while we were sleeping you elbowed me with your bony elbow. Eat more... For me. Please?" Norm said. I laughed but then started to cry. "I can. Only for you though. Thanks for caring." I said to Norm. "No need to thanks... I want to care" he said then smiling at me. "Well, come up and eat sweetie. Today we gots to packs up"

I got up and went to the kitchen. Sat down and ate. Talked with Norman and was ready to pack up.

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