Chapter 3

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I woke up, so excited to call Norman. I went grabbed my stuff and checked out of the hospital. I walked over where comic con was. Not to far from the hospital and I went to get my car.It was over by the doors. I got my purse went through it to find my keys. My keys are on a Daryl Dixon key chain. It's so cool. Well I started my car and drove home.

I walked into my apartment. My home. It was really gloomy, I'll have to decorate it some more.

Well, I took my phone out and I grabbed the card the came with the flowers that Norman gave me and called him.

I dialed the number and rang then someone answers.
I said..."hello..?"
Then all of a sudden I heard Norms voice.
"Hey! This might sound.. Bad but, I don't remember your name.. And you know"
"Um.. Yeah.. My name is Alondra" Aww... That makes me feel bad how did he forget my name? :/
"Oh yeah.. Alondra. I like your name. Are you Mexican?" Then he laughs. I started laughing too.
"Haha, yes I am actually. I'm Mexican, America actually." I said
"Oh, that's sexy"
What?!!? Sexy. What the fuck is he talking about?!
"Well.. I'm a sexican."
He started laughing.
"Nice. I have my own sexican...."
For awhile it was silence 'till he asked me "hey... Um... Would you like to go out with me tonight...?"
In my mind there was a little me jumping and then back flipped out the window.
"I would love too" I said
"Okay, then it's a date. I'll pick you up around... 8:00?"
"Yeah that will be fine."
"Cool!" Norm said.
"Well... See you then. Bye" he said
Then he hanged up.

I was so fucking excited. I'm going on a date with Norman Reedus.

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