Chapter 13

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I was walking around with Norman. His place was really nice. "Nice place." I said. "Thanks Alondra." Norman said.

After awhile, when he was done showing me around he went to take a shower. He said I could watch tv so I put it on and started watching Supernatural. I fucking loved that show. It was on but I didn't pay much attention. I was thinking, Something I haven't done in awhile. I've been around by so many people I just haven't thought much. Norman is 45 and I'm only 20. I didn't care about age and I'm sure he doesn't, but other people well. Fuck everyone. I want to be with him even if we just started dating. There's nothing wrong with that. It could be worse. Then, what if he turned out to not like me. My thinking stopped by the phone ringing. It scared the shit out of me. I didn't know what to do so I ran into Norman's bathroom. The shower still running so I wasn't going to see anything and I went and told him the phone rang. "Norman! The phone was ringing." I said. "Well, there's caller ID. So you can look back. Can you read the number off to me?" He asked. "Um yeah." I said then reading off the number. "Oh, that was just my son. Can you call him back and ask what he wants?" Norman asked. "Uh yeah. Who should I say I am?" I asked. "You can say your a friend or if you want you can say girlfriend, but only if you want to." He said. "Oh, okay. I'll call him. Do you want me stay here if he had a question?" I asked. "Sure" he said. I started going back though recent calls and called back his son. "Hey dad!" Mingus said. "Hey kiddo, it not your dad I'm actually his friend and he's kinda busy right now and he wanted me to call you back and asked what you wanted..." I said. I was nervous. I didn't know why. "Oh, hey! I just wanted to know when my mom could bring me over." Mingus said. "Give me a minute I'll ask your dad." I said. "Hey Norman, Mingus wants to know when can he come over!" I said. "Tell him he can come now." Norman said. "Okay" I said then going back on the phone. "Hey Mingus. You're dad said you can come now" I said. "Oh cool! Tell him I'm leaving now. Bye!!" He said with excitement. For him to be only around 14 it was cool he was still excited to see his dad. Not being some swag fag. "I will. Bye" I said. "bye" he said hanging up the phone. Still in the bathroom, I could hear Norman tuned off the water. "Your son is on his way" I said. "Okay." He said. I walked out. I went back downstairs and sat on the couch.

It was only five minutes 'til Norman came downstairs. "Hey Alondra." He said while walking over to the couch then putting his arm around me. "Hi Norman" I said. "Well I have to start making dinner. What would you like?" Norman said. "Um actually I don't care. Anything I guess." I said. "Uh okay. I'll see what I got. You want to come in the kitchen with me?" He said. "Yeah. Sure." I said. We got up and walked into the kitchen. "Well I guess I could cook Chicken Curry. Is that okay?" He asked. "Sure. Are you a good cook?" I asked. "Hell yeah I can." He said. I laughed. "Well then. You're hella rad" I said, he laughed. He got all the shit he needed and started putting the food in the backing pan and putting it in the oven. "Well that will take about an hour. Hope you won't mind." Norman said. "No I won't mind at all." I said.

After all that time his son got there. I was sitting a the table on my phone and his ex walked up with Mingus. The doorbell rang. Norman answered it. "Hey dad!!!!" Mingus yelled. "Hey buddy!" Norm said. Mingus walked in putting his stuff down. "Okay Norman, I'll be back to pick him up on Sunday 7:00, okay?" This girl said in a bitchy voice. I couldn't help but turn around. "Wow Norman, who is this young girl?" The girl yelled out. "My friend. Just leave. I'm cooking, I gotta check it. Bye." He said shutting the door. "Well norm you slammed the door on dat bitch!" I said then laughing. "Yeah I did" he said. I didn't know much about his ex's and I never did. I didn't care about his past. I was starting something new with him.

Mingus walked up to me. "Hey... Who are you?" He asked. "I'm your dads friend. My name is Alondra" I said "oh you look a lot younger then my dad." He said. "Well thanks Mingus! I feel so young." Norman said. Mingus and I laughed. "Norman you don't look that old. You're still super fab and hella rad." I said. He started laughing. "You like my dad don't you." Mingus said. "Yeah he's cool." I said. "How old are you?" Mingus asked. "I'm 20. That means Norman and I are 25 years apart." I said. "Damn!" Norman yelled. After that Mingus walked away and started playing video games. I loved video games. My favorite system is the PS3. I hope he had on. I'll be stuck on that forever.

After sometime it was time to eat. Us three were sitting at the table and we were talking. "So, Mingus I saw you were playing a video game... What systems do you have?" I asked. "Xbox and a ps3" he said. "Heckle yeah. I love the PS3. Do you mind if I play?" I asked. "No not at all. You can play whenever you want." He said. "That's rad. What games do you have?" I asked. "Um, on the PS3 I have some zombie games and sports. To be honest I don't like the ps3 much." Mingus said. "Are you fucking kidding!? It's the best. I brought mine and some games. We'll have to go out shopping and buy a shit load of games!" I said. "Well if you're friends why did you bring one?" Mingus asked. "Uh, well..." I paused. I didn't know what to say. "Actually Mingus, Alondra is my girlfriend." Norman said. It was silence. I couldn't believe he said that. "Oh. Why did you tell me from the start?" Mingus said. He looked mad. I'm so stupid. I can't believe I just did that. No one said anything. Mingus got up and walked away. Went in his room probably. "Norman I'm sorry..." I said so quietly. "For what? You guys were just having a conversation you just said something on accident. It's fine" he said. Kissing my forehead. "You can go up to my room and put some pajamas on, I'll be up there in a minute" he said. "Well u can help you with the dishes.." I said. "No I got it." He said. I walked away.

I was done putting on my pajamas on. I was just so angry at myself. I didn't know, it just came out. After thinking for awhile I feel asleep.

I woke up the next morning. Norman was lying next to me, sleeping. He looked cute. Then all of a sudden I remembered what happen last night. I didn't know if Norman was angry at me. I hope he wasn't. That would suck. We just started a relationship. I was just sitting on his bed then he woke up. "Ugh hey... What time is it?" Norman asked. "Oh, hey. It's 9:07." I said. "Oh. I'm tired." He said. "Cool." I said. He went back to sleep. Every thing was awkward. My first 'day' there. I could sleep but I still tried. Eventually I fell asleep.

I woke up. Norman was gone. I got up and went downstairs. I went in the kitchen and I saw Norman. He was eating. "Hey Alondra. I made you something if you would like to eat it.." Norman said. "Uh no I'm fine." I said. "Okay" he said gong back to eating. "Where's your son? Is he mad?" I asked. "He's probably in his room doing something, and I don't know if he mad." He said. "Oh... Are you mad?" I asked. "No, of course not." He said. He got up and hugged me. "I wouldn't be mad. Everything will be okay." He said still hugging me. Then Mingus walked out. "Uh hey. I'm not mad" he said. I turned around and looked at him. "Really? Your not mad?" I asked. "Yeah, really."

I was so happy. Things might work out with my new boyfriend (:


Hey sorry for not updating in a long time and for a shitty chapter. Thanks for reading ily

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