Chapter 15

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~~~time moves forward in life~~~

I've lived with Norman for about sixths months and he's had to work a lot. It's not easy living with him, but I love living with him. I've found a job. I teach kids how to play guitar and bass guitar and my own guitar place. The girl I met at the club turned out to be my best friend. Her name is Jodie and her uncle had a guitar place and he sadly, past away. Jodie didn't want it so, she asked if I did. I said yes because it has always been my dream to have my own place and teach kids something that they want to learn, to the kids who thought music was most important. Norman thought it was cool. We both worked a lot. Sometimes he had to go to other states but I was okay with it. Even if I wasn't I didn't really have much of a choice. As soon as we saw each other again we would tell each other what happen while we were away from each other.

Back when I got raped, it was awful, I'm grateful it never happen again. I wish it never happen at all. No one ever found out who the guy was. I didn't care as long as it didn't happen to me again. That's what I though for awhile but then, I thought... What if it happen to another girl? I didn't want that to happen to anyone. So, I've kept an eye out looking if here has been any rape stories around the area. There hasn't. I hope there never will but awful things happen. Even if you don't want it to, or if you try to prevent it. Sometimes it happens. It's not for a reason either. There are just some sick people out in this world and sadly, sometimes stuff happens.


Today Norman was coming back and it is my birthday! I'll be 21. Holy shit am I young. What ya gonna do? I was so excited to see him. I was at his place, he didn't have Mingus this weekend so I was all alone. I was waiting. Finally the door open and Norman walked in. I looked up at the door and when I saw him I literarily ran up to him. I went and ran and hugged him. I nearly nocked him over. I was just so happy to see him again. He hugged me tight. It was nice to have one of his hugs again. He was gone for a week. I was just so fucking excited to see him.

"Ah, I'm so happy to see you" I said with my face tucked into his chest, still hugging him. He did let go a couple seconds later.

"I missed you too, I missed you so much." Norm said.

"Well norm do you know what day it is?" I asked.

"Hmm, let me think."

"Rush your thinking!" I said then playfully punching him in the arm.

Norman laughed. "Ow, I was kidding. I know what day it is! Happy birthday sweetheart." He said then kissing my forehead.

"Aww thanks" I said.

"Well I have something special planned for you birthday girl." Norm said then winking ;)))

"Awh really?"

"Yes, I do. It's a surprise"

"Ugh. I hate surprises!"

"But you'll this one."

"You know, I love you."

"Aww Alondra I love you more."

"No I love you more" I said leaning in and kissing him.

"Alondra get ready for tonight. You have to stay in my room 'til 8:00 okay?"

I looked at the clock. It was about 4:30. Ugh I didn't want to wait until 8. What am I gonna do though? I'll have to wait. "Ugh. Okay. Love ya!" I said then going closer to Norman kissing his cheek.

"Love ya too. Thanks for waiting."

I started walking up the stairs and went into his.. Well our room. I went in the bathroom and took a shower. But before I took a shower I had to have some tunes on. So I hooked my iPod up and put on All Hallows Evil by Fearless Vampire Killers. They are the bomb. Totally awesome.

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