What happens to Norman.

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Normans P.O.V

I was sitting here. In some house. I was able to survive for... I don't know. Maybe a year. It's been hell. It feels like its been forever since I've been able to see Alondra's beautiful face.

I've been all alone this whole time.

There's no reason to go on.

I don't know why I've even wanted to survive.

I've been writing letters. I don't know why I guess I'm writing them to Alondra. It's like I'm sending them to her but she hasn't gotten them. I will wright my last and final letter to day.

'Dear Alondra,

Hey love. I miss you so much. I feel like I've lost it with out you, but how have you been? Good I hope.

I'm very sorry to say this to you but I can't keep going on. I'm going to end my life. I want to be with you. I miss you so much. Life is just to hard with no one. See you soon.

Love you,

Norman xxx <3'

I didn't know how I wanted to die. I just wanted to end it. There was a lot of walkers outside. It'll hurt but I rather feel some pain before I die. I've been feeling so numb. People say they just want to be alone when they lose someone but that's not true. Deep down all you want is someone there for you. I've lost to much. I have to go.

I walked outside. There had to be at least five walkers. I shot my last bullet in the air and watched the zombies come around me.

I just laid there letting these things eat me till the pain was to much and everything went black.

I woke up. In a white place. I couldn't see any color at all. Then I saw a woman. A beautiful young woman. Alondra. I ran over to her.

"Hello Norman. I'm happy to see you but sad at the way you went" she said

"Alondra, I couldn't fight any longer there was no reason to go on"

"It's okay. I'm just so happy to see you." She started crying.

"There is no need to cry, I'm here" I said taking my thumb and wiping her tears and kissed her. I missed doing that.

"When we were alive I don't think I've told you this enough, but I Love You." I said.

"I Love You too" she hugged me.

I knew dying was the right choice. I'll be happy. I'll be with the one I love for the rest of my life.

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