Chapter 17 {last chapter}

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~Three Years Later~

I've been with Norman for so long now. We've had our ups and downs like every couple, but I'm still so happy. Today actually was the day we are getting married. I was very happy and super excited. I thought my dress looks so beautiful. For once I thought I looked good while being very girly.

I was in my dress waiting to be taken down the what-it-seem-to-be a long walk way to my soon to be husband. I didn't have anyone to take me down. It was okay though. I wanted it to be a non normal wedding. I don't have parent here. Fuck them. I didn't want them here.

All of a sudden I heard music. I knew it was time to go. The door flew open and a little girl, on Norman's side of the family started walking and growing flowers. I though my wedding was perfect. It was outside. Fall time with trees, and beautiful leaves everywhere and a pond. Finally my time to walk down. On the left side there was my friends. On the other Norman's family and friends. I saw the boys from The Used. My friend, Jessica. Was smaller on my side. On Normans side, the whole cast from The Walking Dead, Mingus, his mom and dad and a few other family members.

My girls on my side was my best friend Cheyenne and Jodie. Normans best mans were Sean Patrick Flanery and Andrew Lincoln. Almost halfway there. I'm so happ--

Norman's P.O.V

I see Alondra start walking down. She's so beautiful. I'm very happy to be marring her. I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my days with her. She's the best woman I've ever been with. I'm just so happy with my lif--


What just happen? I looked over to see if Alondra was okay.

"ALONDRA!" I yelled running towards her. She was shot.

"Norm--" She said weakly

"Shhh babe. You'll be okay." I said holding her. I was crying.

"Norman, I love you"

"No! Alondra! You can't die!!! I love so much. I need you"

She died. I couldn't feel her breathing.

All of a sudden there were people running and yelling. I was just so sad I didn't care. Until Andrew ran up to me.

"Norman!" He yelled.

"What?!" I said getting up. There were... Zombies everywhere. I felt a tug on my leg. It was Alondra. She already turned. I didn't have the guts to kill her nor do I have a weapon. My life is becoming shit, but I will beat this world. For Alondra. Everyone that was at the wedding were already dead. My family, friends. They were all bit but me. I'll have to face this disgusting wold alone. I will make it because I am Norman Fucking Reedus!

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