Chapter 12

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It was around 9 o'clock and partying my ass off. I had these disco lights on, William Control was playing. Fucking singing my lungs out having the time of my life. I've never had so much fun in my life then now. I could tell they were having just as much fun as I am. I went up to Andy and started dancing and talking to him. "Hey!" "Hello... Alondra? Is it" he asked. "Yes it is." "That's a beautiful name" he said. His voice was so beautiful. "Thanks... Your beautiful... Wait what?" Andy and I started laughing. "Well thanks you Alondra" he said smiling.

After we were done dancing I went over to Norman.

"Hey Norm" I said. "Hey Alondra. Having fun?" "Yes I am are you?" I said. "Yes I am and I think Andrew and your friend could hit it off" Norman said. I turned around and looked. "Aww that's cute" I said.

Andrew's P.O.V

I like Cheyenne it weird. She's so pretty it's wired to like someone you just met. I see Why Norman did. "Hey Chey...?" "Um.. Yeah?" She said in a low voice. I didn't say anything I just went for it and kissed her. I heard Norman and Alondra in the background yelling "Awwwww!!!" I didn't care.

Alondra's P.O.V

That was cute. I'm happy I'm not the only one who found someone.

I went over to the refrigerator and got some beer out. We all were drinking.

After a couple of hours I passed out on my table. I

~~~~~ MORNING ~~~~~

"Ah shit," I said to myself. My head hurt. Hangovers sucked. At least I had fun.

I woke up Cheyenne. We had to talk before I left. After that it was already time to go. I took my suit case and walked out with everyone into Norman's car. "Bye nugget!!!" I yelled. "Bye!!" Chey yelled back. I got in norms car and we drove.

~~~~ some time later on the plane ~~~~~~

We were sitting, talking the whole time. "So... Alondra.." Norman said. "What?" "You know I got a son?" He asked. "Yeah I do. Mingus right?" I replied. "Yep. I have to watch him this weekend. That why I really had to go back. He's my son and I miss the hell out of him." Norman said. He sounded serious. "Well, I totally understand norm, but won't it be strange to have a new girlfriend all of a sudden?" I asked. "No... Alondra, stop. I like who and who the fuck will care. I want to be with you and no one will get in our way okay?" "Okay" I said to him then smiling. For the rest of the time I slept. I was tired. Having a party can really fuck you up when you party hard.

Norman woke me up. We got off the plane and rode a taxi to his house.

We got to his house he took his key out and open the door. The whole time I was thinking to myself "damn, I wish I could make money like this" Norman stopped me from thinking,he took me and hugged me. "Thank you so much Alondra" norm said. "For what?" I asked. "Taking a chance and coming to New York with me." He replied. I hugged him back tight. I was so happy he wanted me there. "Well let me show you around." He said. "Okay" I said back.

I was happy I moved in with my new boyfriend Norman Reedus.

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