Chapter 16

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Well today was the day that The Used is coming to New York. Exciting. I'm so happy that Norman does everything that he does form me. I love my life so much.

We were driving in the car. I didn't know how he felt but I was super excited. I got Norman to get into them. It was actually kinda funny. The day after my birthday I had to get Norman into The Used. The first song I showed him was All That I've Got. He liked them from the beginning. It was so cool. I was teaching him how to be a fangirl, all their names, song names, and album names. It was so hard for him, but goddamn was it hilarious. Just imagine getting Norman into your favorite band and then teaching him everything he needs to know.

"Okay, Norman? Lets go through what you've learned okay?"


"Name the band members!"

"Singer, Bert. Guitarist, Quinn. Drummer, Dan and basest, Jeph or Jepha" he said smiling. I was actually proud. I didn't say he had to say their parts.

"Wow. Norm I'm so proud of you!! Now name the album names because I want to know if you know them."

"Uh.. First album was 'The Used Self titled album' second 'In Love And Death', that's easy to remember because its my favorite. Third.. Uh.. 'Lies For The Liras?' Forth, 'Artwork' and fifth... 'Vulnerable' and their EP 'Ocean Of The Sky'...... OH! And their new album coming out 'Imaginary Enemy'!" He said with a stupid, proud looking smirk on his face.

"Oh.. My.. Gosh. If my makeup didn't look good right now I'd cry! I'm so proud. You defiantly made a improvement. Awesome!" After that we were already there. The first ones! And we didn't have to wait. We walked up, ready to wait but Bert was outside.

"Aye Alondra!" Bert said.

"Hai Bert!" He waved us over. We walked inside. I felt so excited.

"I just want to say thanks.." I said randomly walking aside with Bert.

"No problem" he said winking

Norman walked by me putting his arm around my shoulder.

~over time~

The concert was about to start. I was up front with Norman.

"Hey Alondra?"


"I'm excited." He laughed

"Me too!!"

Then Bert came on staged, winked at me and started speaking.

"Hey everyone. Before we get shit started I wanted to say thanks for everyone for coming out tonight and have a fucking blast! And I love you all."

Then the band was playing and Bert started to sing.

" You'll never know what it feels like to go there

When love changes, faces appear from nowhere

Where beautiful, lovely is ugly or alone

You need me back bad, just can't be on your own

Love's not a battle, it's a ticking time bomb

I'm gonna let you bleed for a little bit

I'm gonna make you beg just for making me cry

I'm gonna make you wish you never said goodbye

Now your life is broken, revolves around love

No love on yourself but the love you have lost

We said desperation is lonely despair

You don't love yourself, you've got no love to show

Love's not a battle, it's a ticking time bomb

Love's not a battle, it's a ticking time bomb

I'm gonna let you bleed for a little bit

I'm gonna make you beg just for making me cry

I'm gonna make you wish you never said goodbye

I'm gonna let you bleed for a little bit

I'm gonna make you beg just for making me cry

I'm gonna make you wish you never said goodbye

If your gonna take me back you're gonna have to ask nicer than that

If your gonna take me back you're gonna have to ask nicer than that

I'm gonna let you bleed for a little bit

I'm gonna make you beg just for making me cry

I'm gonna make you wish you never said goodbye"

I was signing all the words the whole time. Norman was singing here and there. The crowd was going crazy. It was so awesome!

Their set list was:

•Taste of Ink

•A Box Full of Sharp Objects

•Buried Myself Alive

•Pretty Handsome Awkward

•The Bird and The Worm

•I Caught Fire

•Take It Away

•I Come Alive

•Put Me Out

And one of my favorites

•Sold My Soul

After that the concert was over. I wish they played more from their album "Artwork" but what ya gonna do?

Bert came over to Norman and I.

"Hey guys" he smiled. "How'd ya like the concert!?"

"Uh, I loved it!" Norman blurted out. I laughed.

"Awh norm! Oh I love it as well. You all did really good! But you guys really should really play more songs from Artwork"

"That's good. I'm happy you guys enjoyed it. And Alondra a lot of fans say that. I gotta go. Love ya guys!"

"Bye! Love you too and thanks " Norman and I yelled.

Norman and I were holding hands. Electric was going through me. I've been dating him for awhile but damn. I love him. We got to the car and out hands went apart. I got in the passenger side.

"Well babe," Norman started to say.

"Norman I love you"

"I love you too"

"Norm in hungry"

"Okay babe. Lets go home I'll cook you something."

The rest of the ride home was quite. I was so happy.


Okay. This chapter sucks! But there is only one chapter left! I really couldn't think of anything for this story. Sorry.

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