Chapter 7

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I looked at him and I said "I.. I love you too."

Norman smiled.

I smiled back.

He went over to me and hugged me. I hugged back.

After that hug he was still close to me. He was looking at me then he was going up looking like he was going to kiss me then, my phone rang.

Fuck! who the hell could be calling me now?

I looked at my phone and in big letter it said "Chet" I answered and said "sup nugget.. What the hell you want? I'm really busy.."

Chet said "oh sorry.."

Norman was laughing. I touched his face to have him stop because I didn't want my friend to hear.

"It's okay.. But really what did you want?" I said "did I hear laughing in the background?" Chet said. "Um... No" I said then Norman started laughing again. So I slapped him on the leg. "Whatever you have a guy with you don't you?" Chet said. Then Norman couldn't hold it in anymore and laughed. I laughed with him. He took my phone and said "hell yeah she does!".

My friend is a big fan of The Walking Dead and she loves Norman Reedus.. So I think she'll know who I'm on a date with.

"Hey.. Londra that's not funny.. Don't fake a Norman Reedus voice." She said. "I'm not, I'm really on a date with Norman Reedus.." Then norm took the phone. "Hey I'm Norman fucking Reedus and I'm on a date with Alondra" then he gave me back the phone and smiled. "See Cheyenne?" I said. "Oh my fucking god... You are.. You.. You lucky bitch..well I'll let you go. Have fun! Bye Alondra" Chet said. "Bye" I said hanging up the phone.

"Well that was something..." I said going over to the couch to sit down. Norman came over to sit with me. "Cool friend" Norman said laughing. "Norman I'm tired.." I said putting my head in his shoulder. "Me too." He said. Then I fell asleep on him.

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