Chapter 14

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I was laying on the couch, waiting for Norman to come home. I was all alone. Mingus went to hang out with his friends. I was so bored then my phone rang. It was a text. It said: Norman 💕

"hey Alondra! I'm sorry but I won't be home until way later tonight!!! Ugh sorry!!! Ily bye!!!"

It made me mad but what am I going to do? It's his job. I texted him back. "It's okay Norm. Thanks for telling me."

I was bored as fuck so I looked up on my phone any clubs that were in New York. There was one close by so I got in my car and drove off.

I got to the club and it was awesome. Some cool dance music and people dancing. I walked up to the bar and got a beer. I saw this guy. He looked so drunk and he was totally checking me out. It was bothering me but I didn't want some creep fucking up my time. I went out and danced and met this cool girl. We talked, had drinks and, danced. She was cool at least I think so I was just so drunk. Then the same creepy guy came up to me and said "hey" I was so scared I remember almost everything that was happening. "Um hi" I said. "Can I buy you a drink?" The dude asked. "Only if you want to." I said. "Hell yeah I do" He said then putting his arm around me. We walked over to the bar and he said "two drinks" to the bar tender. The girl I was hanging out with talked to me for a quick second, giving me her number to call and hang out sometime. She was cool. I made a new friend. Then I took a sip of my beer it tasted weird but I didn't think much of it. After awhile I started to feel sick. "Ugh what was in my drink?" I said to the dude, he still never game me his name. "Oh, I bet you'll be alright. Come with me." He said. I was so weak. He started caring me out. He put me in a car. "Wh-what are we doing? Let me out" I said weakly. "Sh sweetie everything will be alright" he said then rubbing my leg. I tried to kick him but I was to weak. Then I pasted out.

I woke up in a bed, naked. I was so scared. This man was sleeping next to me. I looked around and then I saw my clothes. I put them on quietly and sneaked out and ran down the street. My phone was still in my pocket. I took it out and called Norman. I was shaking, crying, and, scared. He answered.

"Alondra, where the fuck are you?" He asked. He seemed mad. I didn't even care.

"Nor-Norman. Help. I don't know where I am. I-I'm sorry. I.." I stopped talking.

"Whoa, what!? What's going on? Where are you? What happen?" He said.

"I'm on some street, it's by this gas station and Walmart. I went out to this club.. I was bored... I didn't know." I said.

"Alondra everything will be alright. I know where you are. It's not far I'll be there soon okay?" He said.

"Please hurry. I'm cold and getting really tired. I.. I don't think I'll be okay." I said.

"No! You'll make it!! I'm coming right now I'm in my car." He said.

"Okay." I said. We were still on the phone. I went to sit down. I kept thinking I can't pass out. I have to stay up. A couple minutes past and then I saw a car. A man ran out. It was Norman.

"Alondra!" He yelled out. I tried to get up. Then Norman just came running. He picked me up. "Oh, Alondra I'm so sorry. You'll be okay." He said raping his arms around me and kissing me on the head. "Norman, I love.. You." I said then passing out.

I woke up. In a bed again. This time in a hospital. Norman was right beside me.

"Oh my gosh! Are you okay? How are you feeling?" Norman said.

"Calm down. I'll be okay. Why am I here?" I said.

"I was scared I didn't know what to do. So I took you to the hospital. They said you were drugged. Are you okay?" He said.

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